Discourse Community Essay Analysis

Superior Essays
I started my journey through writing this year a bundle of nerves and a stomach full of coffee. This is my first year taking an advanced English course, but I was determined to do well. There has been no sleeping in class or slacking off this year, I’m lucky enough to take a college course a year early and at a better price, and I’m not going to waste it. I’ve learned a lot this semester, including but not limited to: identifying how exactly the author’s purpose and audience determines effective writing, developing pieces of writing though a process of planning, revising, and drafting, compose an organized essay with clear points and main ideas, used appropriate tone and formality, critiqued writing, and finally how to grasp the MLA format. My writing has improved through the concepts I have learned this semester. In my …show more content…
This paper required a formal tone and only first person when discussing your relation the community. My purpose in this paper was to address how the International Thespian Society was a discourse community and explain how. My thesis statement gave me a lot to run with: “By the standards given by Swales, the International Thespian Society is a discourse community” (Bartley 9). For this paper, a lot more research was needed. I conducted interviews, recorded meetings, and collected all forms of genre I could. I then drew up an outline that had each trait of a discourse community and then went on to write notes for each example. After this I wrote two drafts that were peer edited, revised my paper, then presented the final draft. In this paper I never said “I” or “mine”, but unfortunately used “you”. I could have used clearer examples. For some reason I was incapable of using the proper MLA header for this paper. I also struggled with the proper way to cite a person (quotation ends before the first parenthesis, not

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