Even without regulations being broken, animals are put through terrible amounts of physical and psychological pain. An artical titled “animal testing and the law” states that “Given the climate of poor regulatory oversight, many animals are abused, neglected, and harmed in ways that violate the law ("Animal Testing and[...]), and also “Legal requirements (like providing pain killers) are regularly overridden. ("Animal Testing and[...]).”. Animalsn feel pain like humans do, and treating them like they dont just to provide people with makeup and other products seems unusually cruel. rats , mice, rabbits, and guinea pigs are the most commonly used animals for product testing. Rabbits most of all, used for most eye product testing because of their large eyes. Theses animals are treated unfairly and inhumanely. There is not enough regulation to make sure that these animals are protected, well as much as they can after the horror they go through. Stephanie Liou wrote an artical about the ethics of animal testing and this statement sums it up very well “Many animals are no different than humans. They can feel pain and experience pleasure. Therefore, they should have the same moral status and deserve equal treatment
Even without regulations being broken, animals are put through terrible amounts of physical and psychological pain. An artical titled “animal testing and the law” states that “Given the climate of poor regulatory oversight, many animals are abused, neglected, and harmed in ways that violate the law ("Animal Testing and[...]), and also “Legal requirements (like providing pain killers) are regularly overridden. ("Animal Testing and[...]).”. Animalsn feel pain like humans do, and treating them like they dont just to provide people with makeup and other products seems unusually cruel. rats , mice, rabbits, and guinea pigs are the most commonly used animals for product testing. Rabbits most of all, used for most eye product testing because of their large eyes. Theses animals are treated unfairly and inhumanely. There is not enough regulation to make sure that these animals are protected, well as much as they can after the horror they go through. Stephanie Liou wrote an artical about the ethics of animal testing and this statement sums it up very well “Many animals are no different than humans. They can feel pain and experience pleasure. Therefore, they should have the same moral status and deserve equal treatment