As he backed himself into the corner of the cage, fear penetrated the little guinea pig’s eyes while he watched the man carrying a scary needle closer to him. Now imagine that little guinea pig being your pet. Being a pet owner, you can tell when your pet is sad, happy, or not acting like themselves. Thinking about that, I picture my guinea pig in a scary room with strangers who continuously do tests on him and that is truly terrifying. There are many questions about animal testing.…
We keep doing new test on animals even if they won't benefit us at all. Animals could react positively to a drug but it could be harmful to humans and this also goes the other way around. “For example TGN1412 drug was tested on…
Comparative Analysis Animal testing is a very controversial topic; everyone has an opinion on it. Those who are against it, like the writer of the article,, usually bring up the discussion of the impacts and changes it has made in animal species or the ineffectiveness and distraught it has brought. “Animals metabolize drugs differently from humans: thus substances which are safe for dogs or rats may not be safe for people. For example, Rezulin (for diabetes) passed animal tests with flying colors but killed thousands of people before it was withdrawn in 2000” ( There are also those who are for animal testing like the author of the article,,…
Animal testing is the use of animals for experimentation to determine the efficiency of drugs. Animal testing has resulted in numerous amounts of medical breakthroughs in science. Animal testing has saved millions of human’s lives around the world, but killed just as many animals’ lives as well. Many animals…
While scientists often argue that animal testing is necessary for medical advancement, it can be considered inhumane and is not always necessary. Animals are used in research to determine the safety of products, advance in science, study disease, and develop forms of treatment. While there are alternatives for…
However, there are many individuals who believe animal testing is beneficial and should remain in our society. In the article, “The Truth behind Animal Testing,” Shany Sun argues that “animal testing plays a vital role in industries and research such as in the first stages of pharmaceutical trials.” In Suns opinion, the benefits outweigh the negatives because of the “medical knowledge gained from this experimentation.” In my opinion, the United States should limit the testing on animals to creating vaccines for harmful viruses and cures for different forms of cancer. The FDA should create stricter guidelines for scientific research insuring the safety of the animal and preventing unnecessary pain inflicted to that animal.…
Do Americans really know what lurks in the meat they consume? For, many decades corporations have turned raising animals for human consumption into a multibillion dollar business. Big business has no concern for the animals or the humans they feed, their whole motive is to make the product cheaper and sell it at the highest price they can. The result is an unsafe product, treacherous work place, and horrid conditions for the animals. How can this happen; how can Americans be so oblivious to know that the meat they eat can one day kill them?…
Outside of the fashion industry, animals are also being exploited by methods of animal experimentation for medical, scientific research and beauty purposes. According to PETA, the most commonly used animals are “mice, rats, rabbits, primates, cats and dogs.” (Animal Testing 101) Animals go through multiple and endless amounts of experiments. They spend most of their lives locked away, nervously and fearfully awaiting the next test.…
Animal Testing Many companies around the United States still use animals to test their products. These companies are harming animals and breaking laws. Some countries in Europe have banned animal testing (Alternatives to). Organizations such as PETA have formed to stop animal testing. The cosmetic industry should stop using animal testing because of the number of animals that are killed each year, the neglect and abuse that the animals go through and the alternative research methods that can be used.…
Do you purchase cosmetic products, including personal hygiene products, such as shampoo, lotion, deodorants and makeup? The answer is probably yes, because as Americans the mandate to consume is encouraged ad nauseum, coupled with statements that say something is “new and improved”. Nevertheless, there many reasons why these seemingly small things, have a big impact. The cosmetic industry has an annual revenue of over fifty billion dollars a year.…
After studying multiple views on animal testing I have come to realize my personal view has now changed since the start of my research. Before undergoing heavy study into animal testing I believed that all types of animal testing should be stopped, but now I believe that the idea is very beneficial and should only be done when the rights of the animal are considered. In the coming years, hopefully, more regulations can be passed to ensure that all animal’s lives are protected during experimentation. Although most animals are treated with care and no pain is dealt to them when undergoing testing, it would be a lie if I stated no animals are harmed during the process. Animal testing is extremely useful in developing life-saving drugs and medicine.…
Animal testing has negative effect on both human and animals , due to fact it is cruel and inhuman, animal have a different biology than human, and alternative methods exist which waved give more accurate information. Drug that pass animal are not necessarily safe. In 1950s, sleeping pill thalidomide, which caused 10,000 babies to be born with severe deformities, was…
Though I concede that in some situations, animal testing may be useful, such as in immensely important medical studies, I still maintain that it is unnecessary to make an animal suffer and be discriminated against. Although some people may think that animal testing is healthy and beneficial to humans, I believe that animal testing is unethical and utterly wrong because of the unfair repulsive treatment that animals receive from scientists. This topic is important because the world we live in is as much an animal 's world as it is a human’s world and right now humans are discriminating and enslaving…
People in favor of animal testing claim that because of animal testing, researchers have gained more extensive knowledge and made more advancements in medicine, biology, and disease treatment (Hajar). They fail to acknowledge that these advancements have come at a cost. Humans depended on unreliable test results which caused unforeseen harm to their health. Countless animals were harmed or died as a result of these experiments. Money has been poorly invested into these faulty tests, instead of investing it into advancing more effective, alternative methods.…
Medical testing is done often on cats, dogs, mice, rats, rabbits, and even monkeys. Testing on animals can kill them, give them immense pain, and make them suffer at the hand of humans. We need to stop testing on animals and do more research on how it will affect humans.…