Autumn Oldaker I want a tiny doll to add to my collection, and I will take her while dressed in scrubs strolling the halls of a hospital. Today there is a variety of girls to choose from. As I explore the halls of the hospital, I fancy the infants because I have never had one that young. I explore the maternity wing in search of my new doll. I enter a room labeled 121 and a radiant baby girl lies in a woman’s arms. The glow of her skin catches my eyes, her eyes are as blue as the sky and they twinkle when the light hits them, and her hair is brown like a tree branch and has little curls that sit on the top of head. I want her. She is my doll, and I will take her now. "Miss," I say …show more content…
I don 't want to share my dolls with the world so they live in my underground home. The interior looks like the inside of a doll house. Glass walls separate the rooms and doors, all the carpets are a hot pink, in every room there is wooden dressers, twin sized beds, teddy bears because I want my dolls to have something to play with. My little doll and I make it safely to the dollhouse. I get out of the car, open the passenger door, and I unbuckle my new doll out of the car seat, as I lift her up she lets out a soft …show more content…
I was artificially inseminated because I had no interest in sex, especially not with a man. Not long after I was inseminated I became pregnant, but it was with a boy not a girl. Even though the boy wasn’t what I wanted, I didn’t want to harm him. I was going to give him away, and try for a girl next time, but I lost him. I tried to get pregnant again for the next year, but I had no luck. The doctors told me I was infertile, but all I heard was “You will never get your baby girl doll.” That day the doctors gave me this bad news I ran away from the world. I hid in the woods and found an abandoned underground home. This became my home, and from that day on, I never