“Run!” Sam ordered, “Now,” he repeated as a stern tone edged his voice.
“Ye...yes….sir,” I replied and shakily began to get to my feet.
“Your not hurt right?” A voice behind me asked.
“No, but I feel as if everything I have ever thought of is gone,” I swallowed and then continued the gruesome journey to the other side of the island. After about an hour of silence, I heard a scream. Looking back I saw smoke and orange-red sparks fly from the ground. A billow of ash erupted around me. Through the commotion, I lost track of the others in my group. I fell to the ground, crawling through the flames that soared higher than the horizon. Around 15 minutes later, a breeze came through clearing most of the ash and smoke. As I stood up, I saw a body laying …show more content…
“Oh no,” I whispered to myself and ran, forgetting all that had happened in the last weeks of my life. “Tommy?” I cried miserably as I realized that my best friend was gone.I looked behind me to realize that there was no trace of Sam or the rest of my group. Panicked I started running as I remembered that we were supposed to stay together but hesitates. Tommy was behind me, like me, he came to fight for what he believed was right, and now he was dead. He deserved the highest honor as a friend, and a hero. I thought about the bomb that exploded at the exact time we were told it would. And how it left so many dead that we were clearly outnumbered. Turning around, I crouched down and lifted my friends limp body off the ground. Staggering under the weight on my shoulders, I began to walk. It had been around two days by the time I reached the south