Immediately, footsteps began pacing across the floor. With the new sound of shrill anxious breathing, the baby screamed.
A match was stuck, illuminating a hand gripping a blood stained butcher knife. A candle was lit, placed in a candle holder hanging from the ceiling, flickering as it swung back and forth. The light pushed back the darkness, revealing overturned furniture covered in blood and gore splattered ripped wallpaper. A man, Brian McDonough, cowered in the corner. His face was bloodied face, his eyes trembling in fear.
"Don't do this... please don't do this to us."
In the adjoining …show more content…
She stared into the abyss as her lip quivered with terror. She sits huddled in a corner, covered head to toe in blood. She shakes uncontrollably, traumatized by the horror that has taken place, of what she had done.
McDonough woke up with a start in his office at the asylum.
As he walked down the ward corridor, he stopped to look into Cell# 977. The first thing he saw was a pair of familiar eyes. It was Karsyn, his wife. Since her incarceration 20 years ago, naturally she’s reverted to her natural color, brunette. Her eyes maintained an inner beauty despite the haggard tracksuit she wore and the fatigued pale complexion of her skin.
A loud squeaking sound snapped Karsyn out of her gaze. A stern nurse passed her cell with a medical trolley, disappearing down a bend. Karsyn sat alone on a chair in a long white empty room. She sat still, not fidgeting. She did not want to get out, she was afraid being free.
“I've passed on Karsyn’s file to a therapist closer to home,” McDonough said to Jonas. “It’s a very secluded area. It is very beautiful. I think it would be perfect for her. She must meet with her therapist once a week and take her medicine daily.”
McDonough’s coldness takes Jonas by