"What's with the lights?" Samie pondered, trying to stay quiet. But before I could answer Samie, I heard a loud thud as if something or someone fell.
"Wait," I stopped and put my arm in front of them, prohibiting them from moving on. They looked at me with confusion on their faces. I took a step forward trying to understand what the noise could have been. "Hello?" I blurted out loudly. To our surprise, …show more content…
The shuffling slowed down. "Hello?" I repeated once more. Once again the shuffling slowed. I gave it one last try and shouted "Hello?" Suddenly the shuffling became extremely violent and louder.
"Madison, I think you messed up," Samie whispered. We watched as one man turned around the corner of the building and looked at us.
"Run," He gasped. His eyes weren't yellow, but he had a large gash on his cheek and several bites on his body.
"Guys we still haven't checked the art room yet," I stopped them as they began to walk away, "We need to check it." They looked at me as if I was insane. "Alright fine, I'll go alone then. Wait for me outside the building if you're so scared," I mocked. They nodded their heads and began to run out the building.
"Be safe!" They yelled in unison as they opened the front door and left. Wow, I joked, what traitors. I walked over to the man, who was now crippled on the floor.
"Where were you?" I asked him calmly.
"T-The art room," he whispered, "these things ambushed us."
"Are there any survivors?" I wondered.
"Maybe, I don't know. Some people tried hiding. You could check, but be safeeeee argghghgh," he slurred his speech. He's turning crap, I thought. His eyes slowly turned bright yellow and he began to growl and become