set in religions to help people find the truth. Unitarian Universalism takes a unique approach to defining truth. To them, only one person can find the truth for himself. This unique belief makes it worthy to examine its history, beliefs, practices, state in the world, and its comparison with Catholicism. Unitarian Universalism was founded in 1961 in Boston, Massachusetts when the two liberal Christian sects of Unitarianism and Universalism merged (Sewell). The two sects met in a council and after…
contradiction and differences in those that appear to be identical. In this case Unitarian Universalism and Buddhism are two religions in particular that at first glance look as though they are very similar yet when examined on a more profound level greater distinctions can be made. As a result, it is necessary to break down both Buddhism and Unitarian Universalism…
Which approach offers the most compelling account of the normative force of our associative obligations: ethical universalism or ethical particularism? A traditional conception of morality constitutes a particular fundamental set of values universal to every individual so that all persons should be treated with fair and unprejudiced examination for their well-beings or interests respectively. As opposed to the above ethical universalism’s view, ethical particularism suggests that morality of…
Universalism refers to the belief that whites consider themselves as outside of race, hence, they could represent all human (DiAngllo, 2012). Whites are so concerned with their own interests and well-being that they fail to consider their role and influence in the community. In the movie we watched in lecture, the privileged whites were trying to separate themselves from the community with the claim that people should consider themselves as individuals and protect their rights and interests,…
The relationship between racism and universalism were symbiotic from the very beginning. In order to define the universal human being as rational – an imperative of Enlightenment – it was necessary to define who could not be viewed as such. Resultant, this led to the categori-zation of people into the ‘superior’ and the ‘inferior’, the differentiation upon which racism is built. The interdependence of racism and universalism stems from the fact that “(…) the idea of universal humanity was…
We live in a society that have different moral differences. It is hard for people to actually understand the concept of right and wrong. Because, not everyone shares the same idea of what constitutes decent behavior. Rosenstand has four major paths to choose from. There is nihilism, ethical relativism, soft universalism, and hard universalism. They are all very different, she puts nihilism and hard universalism one opposite ends of a spectrum. After reading these moral beliefs, I am…
however, this is not exactly the case in Unitarian Universalism. Unitarian Universalists embrace diversity in all categories namely beliefs, backgrounds, culture, and sexuality.[1][2] Unitarian Universalism derived from the two religions, Unitarianism and Universalism which merged in 1961.[3] Though there are a variety of beliefs, Unitarian Universalists are bound to fulfill and practice seven principles.[4][5] They also assert all wisdom and teachings from six specific sources including but not…
Generally, social capital is related to personal traits as well as contextual factors. More income, higher levels of education, participation in civil society, and greater satisfaction with life all have independent positive effects on interpersonal trust. Therefore, these variables need to be controlled for when analyzing the relation between universalism/selectivism and social capital, especially given that they themselves are highly dependent on a country’s level of welfare spending. In…
Ethics and morality are considered to be a set of rules that a person or society follows in order to maintain a positive behavior. Some very general examples of morals are stealing is wrong and murder is wrong. In philosophy, there are three major categories of ethics. These include subjectivism, relativism, and universalism. Ethical subjectivism claims there are no objective moral truths while relativism claims there are no culturally independent moral truths. Ethical universalism states that…
The author’s strategy to solve the problem of racially isolated neighborhoods and limited opportunities for people of color is “targeted universalism.” Targeted universalism is a strategy to help marginalized groups that are constantly treated unfairly in society. This strategy would help groups get more equal and fair treatment. Targeted universalism knows life takes place in a world of opportunities. Therefore, targeted universalism needs to enhance opportunities and the standard of living for…