The character selected for this essay is Antony “Tony” Soprano, the main protagonist in HBO’s TV show “The Sopranos”. David Chase was the producer of this crime and drama television. The show started airing in 1999 and aired for six seasons, ending in 2007. The Sopranos won numerous awards during its airing, among which includes 21 Primetime Emmy Awards. Due to exemplary writing by David Chase and his team of showrunners, The Sopranos was voted the best-written television series of all time. The Sopranos revolves around Tony Soprano, an Italian-American mob leader, his gang and his family. It presents the difficulties Tony experiences as he struggles to balance his involvement in organized crime and his responsibilities as a family…
The video I have picked for this assessment is the television title sequence for HBO`s series named “The Sopranos” created by DAVID CHASE in 1999. I`m going to talk about the video’s basic content and context, its key formal elements, and analyse its construction of meaning. The beginning to every episode of The Sopranos starts with the view provided of HBO`s own branding; A screen full of static appears and the disappears to reveal their logo. The sequence opens with the view coming from the…
Every story has a purpose; the main character has a goal to reach and to do so they must go through a trial to suppress. Though it is often noticed that the character doesn’t recognize their full potential until they are on their journey. In the movie Midnight In Paris, Gil’s aspirations are shown in the beginning credits. The movies overall setting is defined but the protagonist 's goals, needs, and wishes are also presented. The movie also identifies the ideologies of the protagonist and of…
Anglo-Saxons took exile seriously; the threat of exile alone caused much anxiety among the individuals of that society. To be exiled means to be kicked out, or banished from one’s homeland, which would result in having no companionship. Because exile is something the Anglo-Saxons took very seriously, one had to commit a crime in order to be exiled. If one were to commit a crime Anglo-Saxons would resort to execution, unless the crime was not serious enough. If the crime was not serious…
Whether it be in a book or movie, in every story there is always a journey. A journey takes a character in a different direction than he or she was originally were going. Journeys can be physical as well as emotional. An emotional journey is exactly what the main character of the movie Remember Me goes through. In the movie Remember Me, the main character, Tyler Hawkins, goes of a personal and emotional journey. After getting into a fight with his father, Tyler and his friend from college go…
Everyone Loves the Anti-Hero These days, a new type of character-a new leading role-is ruling television screens. It is a character that lies and cheats. It is a character that is part of a motorcycle gang, or is a power-hungry politician, or is cooking meth. It is the anti-hero. The anti-hero is the protagonist who does not have the traditional qualities of the admirable leading man or woman. They are characters wrought with flaws and demons, disregarding the normal societal processes for his…
An adventure is always something that makes me smile, especially in car rides with my family and we have the chance to explore famous and important monuments. I remember one time, my family and I were in a car ride that took 16 hours to reach our destination, but the best thing about it was that we visited the White House, looked at some D1 colleges, and just had a good time. The two main character experience the same thing, but in different and opposite sceneries, one character is leaving home…
Tom Perrotta is mainly known for his quick to read, funny, and entertaining novels. Best known for his novels Little Children and Election, Perrotta focuses in on a different way of life in his debut novel Bad Haircut. Bad Haircut focuses down on the coming of age of Buddy- a boy in the 70’s. The novel is a series of short stories from Buddy’s life in chronological order. Starting at age nine and meeting one of his idols to age 19 and experiencing heartbreak, Buddy lives through rejection,…
Set in a time when the end of the world became reality Joanna Russ’ When It Changed and Colin M. Drysdale’s Last Flight Out each described a society where an outside force changed the way the society was established. Although the characters in both stories were presented with challenges such as being unwanted in a one gender based society, being threatened by an unforeseen group or being scarified for the greater good both Mankind from planet Earth, the women from planet Whileaway and the pilot…
The first chapter in How To Read Literature Like A Professor is based on the vital knowledge of how to identify a quest based on a series of given details. The author, Mr. Foster, starts off by telling the reader to picture a young boy running an errand for his mother. He then builds on the plot by giving a few details of his teenage life, such as the girl he likes, the boy he despises, and the dog he escapes from. This misshapen short story seems like it might not go anywhere, but this is when…