turn the next page. This genre is definitely a classic, and these books wouldn’t be around if it hadn’t pleased many people. However, some classics can satisfy their audiences better than others. The Hunchback of Notre - Dame appeals to the youth of its generation and the critics of the next generation more than A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court. The enforcement of justice, imagination of supernatural powers, and connection to the book’s setting all appeal to the youth of all generations. The youth has always been taught by their parents or teachers that justice is essential and important. The…
theater was taken with family members of the actors and fans of the play. The Hunchback of Notre Dame showing took place at SUNY Buffalo States’ Performing Arts Center at Rockwell Hall. The musical was organized into 2 acts that took place in about 2 hours and included a 20 minute intermission. The Hunchback of Notre Dame has many different versions but they all follow the same plot that the original writer, Victor Hugo, intended to follow. The Hunchback of Notre Dame is about how a Quasimodo…
Reflection On march 10 in the PAC, at 7:00, I had the opportunity to be able to go and see The Hunchback of Notre Dame. It was a wonderful paly production, with some raunchy scenes, but, it was a very well orchestrated play, with well casted people and had very smooth transitions even though there wasn’t a curtain. The cast was huge, so great was need for voices that they had to hire a local choir to sing with them. The first scene is when you see the choir coming to and sing and take their…
like to attend live performances, I think that it is important for my family to grow up and experience this kind of art and expression. We actually recently attended a musical, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, at the Cleveland Great Lakes Theater. We have watched the Disney movie, so we already had an idea of what to expect, however, the performance that these amazing people put together was awe inspiring. The performance consisted of the performers and dancers, a choir, and an orchestra. This…
gothic elements are clearly shown throughout various scenes in the Disney movie The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Specifically,…
Victor Hugo is an extraordinary writer that uses many rhetorical devices throughout his writings to emerge the readers into the book The Hunchback of Notre Dame, when he tells of how the Cathedral in France is being redecorated and the gothic theme is being removed to make it seem more romantic. As said in the book the narrator says “What has time done, what have men done with with these marvels? What has has been given to us in exchange for all this for all this, - for all this ancient French…
“Change your opinions, keep to your principles; change your leaves, keep intact your roots.” (Hugo). Victor Hugo is a famous French author who is recognized for his novels, The Hunchback of Notre-Dame and Les Misérables, which have been adapted into movies, plays, and musicals. Victor had many other writings on various topics, but they all seem influenced by his life experiences. Witnessing life in the lower class of France, growing up in a military family, and his animosity for Napoleon III…
Good morning America! Today I will be interviewing Quasimodo the main character of the novel, “The Hunchback of Notre Dame”, written by Victor Hugo. Who is Quasimodo? Quasimodo is a hunchback, who is also known as the deaf, deformed creature that ring the bells of Notre Dame, by many people. But what most people don’t know is that Quasimodo has an all too human heart, so today we will learn some unknown truths about him. Interviewer: Good morning Quasimodo, thank you for letting us interview…
felt bad for a person that is made fun of just for being different? Esmeralda felt bad for Quasimodo in Hunch Back Of Notre Dame. Quasimodo was the same as everyone else, but people treated him like he was dirt just because he looked different and didn’t look like how the world expects us too. People thought Quasimodo had an ugly face and a hump on his back. They crowned him “king of fools”. When he snuck out to go to the festival where they crowned him king of fools, he hid his face so that…
I had to understand why Seurat used such a difficult technique for his work. I then came upon the theory that perhaps he wanted to produce a deeper sense of life in his paintings. All things in the world are composed of millions of cells, and these cells create objects, color, and everything that practically exists. I imagine that Seurat's motive was to utilize this scientific law in his work to give an atmosphere of life, texture, and movement in the scenes that he…