Syphilis (Treponema Pallidum) Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease(STD) caused by an infection with a bacteria known as Treponema Pallidum. Treponema organisms are delicate, requiring pH in the range of 7.2 – 7.4, temperatures in the range of 30 – 39, and microaerophilic environment. The cells have a high lipid content, an unusual characteristic for bacteria. There are four species: T. pallidum pallidum, T. pallidum pertenue, T. pallidum endemicum, and T. pallidum carateum. These diseases are referred to as “treponematoses” and are characterized by distinct primary, secondary, latency, and tertiary clinical stages. Each subspecies is indistinguishable by morphology and serologic testing and is characterized by the diseases it causes (Shimeld and Rodgers, 1999). Treponema Palladium has never been successfully cultured, although researchers have tried since Robert Koch first identified the spirochete as the causative agent for syphilis over one hundred years ago. The culturing of T. Palladium is impossible in the living host for reasons that are not understood by researchers. Treponema Palladium is the most virulent of the spirochetes. It is the causative agent of venereal syphilis. Syphilis is a slow-evolving disease with short, symptomatic periods related to the rapid multiplication of the…
Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by a corkscrew-shaped bacteria called Treponema pallidum. Anyone who is sexually active may catch syphilis, but those at greater risk include: people diagnosed with any STD, people with a sex partner diagnosed with any STD, people with more than one sex partner, people with a new sex partner, or people who exchange sex for money or drugs. Syphilis is spread directly from person to person by direct contact with an infectious lesion. The…
There were almost 20,000 total cases of syphilis in the year 2014. In California alone, over 3,500 reported cases of syphilis. Tht is the highest record since 1995. In the US, most reported cases of syphilis involve men being sexually active with other men. Syphilis is a nasty but common sexually transmitted disease caused by the spreading of bacteria. Syphilis is spread by becteria during sexual intercorse. Although this disease is bad, the symptoms of syphilis sp mild that a person might not…
Syphilis: The Big Sore Loser Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease that has been around for many centuries. No one is certain when or where syphilis began. One theory is that the bacteria was carried to Europe from America by Christopher Columbus’s sailors. Syphilis was discovered by Fritz Schaudinn and Erich Hoffmann in 1905. Syphilis is also called “lues,” which means the “plague” in Latin. It used to be treated with dangerous drugs and remedies until after World War II when penicillin…
What is syphilis? Syphilis (Treponema pallidum) Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by a corkscrew-shaped bacteria called Treponema pallidum. The number of Syphilis cases in Wisconsin have been decreasing, yet syphilis prevention remains an important objective because of the serious consequences of untreated or inadequately treated syphilis and its role as a potential risk factor for HIV infection and transmission. Wisconsin is currently involved in the National Plan to…
The genitals are a warm, damp region of the body which is conducive to the presence and transmission of many bacteria, virus, and yeast pathogens such as Syphilis. It is an infectious venereal disease; the microorganisms spread during intercourse as a result of exchanging reproductive fluids or bleeding, from mother to unborn child, when lesions come in contact with broken skin, and through blood transfusions. The disease is caused by Treponema pallidum which originates from the spiral-shaped…
Syphilis is STD sexually transmitted disease they can have very serious complications if u leave it untreated. The good thing is it can be cured if treated correctly. In 2015, 74,402 people said they are diagnosed with syphilis all stages. There are 4 stages of syphilis Primary, Secondary, Latent, Tertiary . When you get in the primary stage of syphilis, a sore that is usually painless develops at the site where the bacteria entered the body. This commonly occurs within 3 weeks of when you get…
Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease that affects millions of people, worldwide. It is a highly transmittable, yet very treatable disease. If left untreated, syphilis can cause damage to the heart and central nervous system and become potentially fatal. Despite efforts to control the disease, about 56,000 new cases are reported each year in the United States. Syphilis is caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum. The bacterium is spread…
According to the Center of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in ¨2013, more than 56,400 cases of syphilis were reported in the United States¨(CDC). Syphilis has numerous symptoms, and it can be cured, and it doesn't kill the host if is treated properly. Syphilis was first discovered in Europe 1495. Syphilis is a sexual transmitted desease. Scientist say that Men Who Have Sex With Men (MSM) have the highest rate of syphilis. Syphilis has 4 different stages. Primary, secondary, latent, and…
Syphilis According to the CDC “the very first syphilis outbreak happened in Naples, Italy in 1994-1995” (Syphilis’ Early History). Syphilis was called “The French Disease” during the French invasion carried by troops. There are two hypothesis on how syphilis came to be. One was that Christopher Columbus brought it to Europe when he returned from the United States. The other reason is because syphilis could have been in Italy already but has not been noticed. STD’s has been around since the…