The statues of Shiva Nataraja, also known as Shiva as the Lord of Dance, came from the sculptors of the south Indian Chola dynasty. These statues, from the late tenth and early eleventh centuries, are some of the most significant icons from the Hindu religion. This important symbol bears all of the characteristics that Shiva represents: creator, preserver, and destroyer of the universe. This religious piece of art, made using the ‘lost-wax’ method of sculpting, has gotten a lot more prominent since the twentieth century. Ananda K. Coomaraswamy wrote an essay in 1912 explaining the significance of the Shiva Nataraja, and why it was an important statue to the Hindu religion, but in a very different representation. After this essay, Hindu people…
Shiva Response The sculpture of Shiva from the Chola Dynasty in the 10th Century, expresses the cultures desire to freeze an icon, and have a physical density of substance important to state of mind of the people. This icon shows a physical relationship to the people and the land that it comes from. There is a dialogue between the old and the new when looking at this object and recognizing the setting that it finds itself in. When looking at specific aspects of this Icon the viewer immediately…
One of the most popular subjects in Hindu art is the great Lord Shiva, Mashesvara, accompanied by his consort Uma, the Great Goddess Parvati. (Shiva, Brahma, and Vishnu, compose the Hindu trinity.) Shiva and Parvati (Uma- Maheshvara), found in the St. Petersburg Museum of Fine Arts, though originally from Central India, is an 11th century red sandstone architectural panel, 231⁄4 by 131⁄2 inches (fig. 1). Also found in there is the Shiva Nataraja. (fig. 2) (Good but why does your image show a…
Sanskrit word Linga is the term for the emblem of the Hindu God Shiva. It is the depiction of Shiva in a column or pillar form. It represents the phallus, but at the same time it is the representation of the cosmos and a symbol of fertility, life and regeneration. Linga does not only specific a phallus but it is a word which translates best as a symbol indicating a distinguishing mark, a characteristic of gender or sex. Linga worship is also known as Nirguna worship which is characterised as…
1.1.1 Conceptual framework of ShaktivistadvitaDarsana. As Shaktivishistadvaita is also named as Veseshadvita,Visistadvita,Shivadvita,Dvitadviata,Bhedaabheda,Shivayogaand Shatstala. Parabrahma is referred as Shiva or Parashiva. Parashiva is nothing but supreme consciousness, sthala, linga.Sthala is Shiva tatva, according MaggeMayideva the principle of shiva which is the cause of creation, maintaining and destruction is called sthala. Sthala is further divided lingasthala and angasthala.…
This wooden votive panel depicts the Hindu god Shiva seated cross legged on checkered cushion and is littered with various religious and cultural symbols. It was found in Dandan-oilik, Khotan during 1907 by Sir Marc Aurel Stein during his second expedition to central Asia. According to the most recent estimates the panel is believed to have been created sometime during the 7th or 8th century. The various symbols also tell a great deal about the origins and influences of the painting. Religious…
Hindu sects which are Vaishnava, Shiva, Kaumaram (Murugan), Saktham (Sakthi), Ganapathyam (Ganapathy) and Saumaram (Surya). There are many significant festival in Hinduism which most of it are referred as the festivals of lights due to the colourful and beautiful arts and celebration. Diwali, a New Year Festival, celebrated by many Hindus such as Vaishnava sect, Sikhs and some Buddhist. Navratri is celebrated…
is a very popular Hindu pilgrimage which is located in the South of Jammu and Kashmir. Thousands of pilgrims visit Amarnath every year despite the risks it holds. The Amaranth cave is almost 3,888 m above the sea level and is a Hindu shrine. Every year almost four thousand devotees visit amaranth. This place is about 141 km from Srinagar which is popularly known as the summer capital of India. This shrine is considered as one of the most important parts of Hinduism. There are many religious…
conjoined with a yoni, and this representation of him is found in every Shiva temple (Danielou, 1984). But when he is not represented as a linga, Shiva is portrayed as a powerful being of human manifestation. In comparison, even though Shiva is most known for his phallic image, other phallic representations are present at other temples around the world, including some that pay homage to Dionysus. In the Greek representation, the phallus is represented as a pillar or column. In Orthos there is a…
It is a depiction of the Hindu god Shiva as the spiritual ecstatic dancer. His dance is referred to as Tandavam or Nadanta, depending on the context of the dance. The classical form of shiva appears in stone reliefs, at the Ellora Caves and the Badami Caves, by around the 6th century. Around the 10th century, it emerged in Tamil Nadu in its most recognizable appearance of bronzes. Additionally, Shiva is presented at different heights however, it is typically less than five feet but some are…