of my dancing rather than just going through the motions and regurgitating what I’ve previously trained my muscles to do. Although I did not know it was called this, essentially, my goal was to engage in deep practice. The excerpts from Daniel Coyle’s book articulated in words the way in which I’ve been attempting to take class. Coyle’s writing introduced to me that deep practice is most efficient way to create optimal myelin, and if built on the proper circuits, myelin creates good muscle memory habits and skill—or simply put, “practice makes myelin, and myelin makes perfect” (44). Coyle’s insights suggest that deep practice is the most way to learn and improve any skill. Coyle claims that the rules of deep practice are to chunk it up, repeat it, and learn to feel it. As I read this, I realized that all three of those ideas are present in structure of our classes. In theory, ballet classes are structured to promote students to engage in deep practice. Yet, it is possible to take class without doing deep practice. Coyle’s explanations helped me to further understand how I might achieve deep practice during class and I can now use that information as a tool to help me make the most out of the way I practice and learn. Rule one, “chunk it up”, is present through the sequence of combinations that a ballet class usually follows. Each exercise at the barre—plie, tendu, degage, ronde de jambe, ect.—are smaller “chunked up” versions of sequences of movements that are later…
Daniel Chandler emphasis this in his references to Saussure’s “two-part model of the sign” (Chandler, 2002), which provides an explanation onto why the name and location may be causing confusion to the patrons. Saussure two-part model discusses how the listener of a signifier which in this case be the word “café” would psychologically associate it with “other elements associated with it in a linguistic sign” (Chandler, 2002) which is the signified. In terms of the name, The Apricot Tree Café,…
Saussure Within The Great Gatsby Structuralism can be described as a critical movement of literature that studies how elements of a text can be understood more efficiently by examining its relationship to the overall composition of a text. Ferdinand de Saussure, the “father of modern linguistics” (845) is a prominent critic in the Structuralism movement. The understanding of Saussure’s theory in Structuralism will be examined using mathematical examples and applied to interpret The Great…
Structuralism Essay The Flowers by Alice Walker uses several structuralist concepts that can help the reader better understand the story. There are three different structuralist terms emphasized while reading the story: sign, code, and symbol. A sign, in a literary sense, is a thing that makes you think of something else without an obvious connection between the sign and object. Codes are a set of ideas, rules, letters, numbers, symbols, etc., that are used to represent another thing. A…
According to Roland Barthes’ myth formula, a sign acts as a signifier when society assigns it a widely accepted meaning. The meaning of the sign, called the signified, makes a sign logical. Walmart aligns with the mythical concept by using the happy face as a signifier. Contemporary society defines a happy face based on a perpetuated idea that adheres to the media and the Ruling Class. Popular culture defines a happy face as an expression to show a feeling of pleasure. According to Walmart’s…
everybody fits into one group or the other. Are you a religious man would say everything happens for a reason? Or are you a non- believer who would say life events are coincidence or luck? In the movie signs by Shyamalan, he shows us how a man loses his faith and now thinks differently. But as a crisis begins to happen in his life he has to gain faith back in order to survive. Shyamalan reveals a theme that everything happens for a reason through flashback, characters and symbolism. Every…
According to attachment #1 DA Form 5074-1-R date prepared: 16 November 2009 USAR transfer, indicates your branch as Army Nurse (AN) with the following entries: Part III-Computation of Entry Grade and Date of Rank. Block #30 reflects the grade of MAJ/O4 Bock #33 reflects Date of Entry on Active Duty: 12 August 09, Block #35 Date of Rank reflects: 20 May 03. Hence the publication of Federal Recognition Special Orders Number 282 AR dated 20 November 2009. However; attachment #2 DA…
“Confusyd in hirself and hir owyn unstabylnes:” Plurality, Bricolage, and Infinite Regress in The Book of Margery Kempe There is a plurality of spiritual signifiers in The Book of Margery Kempe. We all know of Kempe’s “gift of tears,” of her ecstatic visions, her commitment to wearing white and creating a chaste marriage for herself. However irritating these signifiers may be, at first read the semiotics appear to be stable. Kempe cries readily when free association brings to mind the earthly…
Henry V is the final play in Shakespeare’s second tetralogy of history plays and, like the others, reflects the Elizabethan interest in history and politics. As a biographical text, the play cannot be separated from history as “history is a story in itself” (Angus 2) and there are multiple historical constructs within it. Henry V is both a signifier and signified. It is a reconstruction of past events from an Elizabethan point of view (signifier) and, from a modern perspective is a consideration…
supplement her absence, or when she in present, providing him with more immediacy. When she is away, he kisses the bed they share “recalling that she had slept in it (Rousseau 108); however, even when she is there, he needs to feel a part of her, so when she spits a piece of food onto her play, he “seized it greedily and swallowed it” (Rosseau 108). According to the theorist Derrida, even her presence isn’t enough for Rousseau; he requires supplements for everything and even if he could “possess…