Ladies and gentlemen, if you may be trying to decide whether or not to sit down to watch Oklahoma, allow me to make your mind up for you. Grab some popcorn, a cold drink, and prepare yourself for an enticing musical. This musical connects with many of its viewers on many different levels, not only with the dialogue but with the musical pieces that were chosen. Allow your mind to wander back to the early 1900’s, on a farm in Oklahoma, where the magic begins to happen. Oklahoma starts off with Gordon McRae playing the role of Curly, a cattle-herding, mid-twenties, cocky man riding a horse and singing, ‘Oh, What a Beautiful Morning,’ to the apple of his eye’s home on a beautiful farm. Aunt Eller, played by Charlotte Greenwood and who is also…
of Modern Music and Culture in the Oklahoma Ozark Foothills, The Oklahoma Ozark area is a physical and cultural transition zone between the Great Plains and the eastern woodlands. This area has been considered home to many of the Cherokee people since their removal by U.S. soldiers and settlers beginning in the 1820s (pg. 239). The Cherokees has lived in the Oklahoma Ozark area longer than any other ethnic group compared as of currently. The Cherokees not only brought unique cultural attributes,…
Jersey, to Europe, to Hawaii, the USS Oklahoma would show its qualifications and abilities to accomplish many of the tasks given to it and its crew through its 25 years in naval service. Stationed in Pearl Harbor, the USS Oklahoma was set as a defense for the Pacific against any possible invading forces. Being in service for 25 years and being renovated for 3 of those years, it was believed that the Oklahoma would be a solid defense against the invading enemy forces. Unfortunately, this would…
In chapter nine of Main Street Oklahoma: Stories of twentieth Century America, the chapter explains the many economic efforts that were put in to assisting the Five Tribes during the Great Depression. The Office of Indian Affairs implemented many programs designed to assist and provide jobs to Native American men and women, but the Office of Indian Affairs ended up not adequately addressing the needs of Native Americans under while under their control, but it also showed the poor and serious…
What is in Oklahoma? Is there even anything to do in Oklahoma? Why would anyone want to go there? If I was asked these questions a year ago my response would carelessly be: Absolutely nothing, nope, and I am not sure. Now, if I was asked, I would say that it is straightforwardly one of the utmost beautiful states I have ever perceived. Driving the twelve hours it takes to get from Minnesota to Oklahoma My father, two brothers, and I had a time-consuming, mind-numbing journey but was well worth…
violent crimes, like murder and assault, have something wrong with their psychology. Some people believe that Timothy McVeigh was mentally unstable when he decided to do the Oklahoma City Bombing. Many people live a hard life in this world and one of them was Timothy McVeigh. He “was the middle child in a blue-collar family in rural New York state” (“McVeigh”). McVeigh’s parents got…
1. University of Central Oklahoma is a public school, and Oklahoma City University is a private school. So they have different major objectives. The first one has a major objective of offering good education to students. The second one focuses more on making profit by offering education of good quality as a tool to realize this objective. University of Central Oklahoma needs to maximize its output of its services or programs, generally in the form of offering degrees of professional training.…
According to many crimes that have been committed the one that seemed more intriguing to discuss was definitely the Oklahoma City Bombing, which was carried out by three individuals, but Timothy McVeigh seemed to get the biggest notoriety for the crime and also labeling him as one of the most well known mass murders around the world. In this paper it is proven that an individual 's situations will cause them to act out in a time in their life which include criminal acts doing what even seemed…
Oklahoma City Bombing: April 19, 1995 The morning of April 19th, 1995 changed the United States forever. On that morning, the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City was attacked and destroyed by a homegrown terrorist. This event shook the US and forced the country to start thinking in terms of potential terror events, specifically ones carried out by US citizens. Two years earlier the World Trade Center was attacked by outsiders and caused America to begin to think about foreign…
What makes a Southwestern Oklahoma State University a good fit for an individual? Well, for most high school seniors it is about that time to start applying to colleges and beginning the exciting time of deciding which college would be the best fit for him/her. Although, this not include which team won in the Bedlam game this year. However, it does include a variety of features an individual should look into when determining which college would bet the best fit for him/her. A few of those…