Non-Newtonian fluids are plentiful in the world, both natural and man-made. Undoubtedly, they are consumed nearly every day. Foods such as cream, ketchup, honey (“Non-Newtonian Fluids”), mayonnaise, cranberry sauce, or jelly (Roth-Johnson) are non-Newtonian. For example, in order to get ketchup out of the bottle, it must be shaken. Once that has been done, it squirts out of the bottle with ease. Also, if the near-solid honey is continuously stirred, then the honey becomes more liquid than solid. When whipped, cream becomes denser. Provided, the longer the cream is whipped, then the denser the cream becomes (“Non-Newtonian Fluids”). In addition, this special branch of fluids is found in building and construction. To illustrate, certain types…
Table of Contents 1. Fluid Mechanics 1.1 Main Branches 1.1.1 Fluid Statics 1.1.2 Fluid Dynamics 1.2 Non-Newtonian and Newtonian Fluids 1.3 Fluids in technology 1.4 Fluid mechanics serving role in society 2. Capillary Effect 3. Self Perpetual motion 1. Fluid mechanics Fluid mechanics is related to the fluids that are in motion and forces acting on them. Fluid mechanics has two branches fluid statics and fluid dynamics. In Fluid Mechanics we actually observe fluid motion and…
Research This project is about what makes bouncy balls bouncy. My hypothesis is that the borax is what makes it bouncy and It will take more borax than glue to make the ball bouncier. This is important to know this because if you add too much or too less you will not have a real bouncy ball . There are three main thing we have to remember while doing this project. I will be mentioning three thing in my S.A.:Materials, Momentum, and Velocity. To make the bouncy ball bouncy it will need the…
Many of things that we interact with are solids and liquids. However, there are some things that are combination of both called a Non-Newtonian Liquid, an example of this is oobleck. This substance has the qualities of a liquid but also has the qualities of a solid when under pressure. One of its qualities as a liquid is its ability to flow, known as viscosity. In this experiment will change the oobleck’s viscosity by changing its thickness. Additionally, applying any pressure to oobleck helps…
Blood Flow as a Casson Fluid 1 THE PROBELM This problem was chosen from Problems for Biomedical Fluid Mechanics and Transport Phenomena section 8, because of my interest in biomedical engineering. How the body works on the most fundamental chemical and physical levels is something that has always fascinated me. This problem, and others in the section on blood flow, offered me a chance to delve deeper into how the body works as well as transport phenomena. The problem gave us a solved velocity…
mean that in no nice way” (West, 2004) The way in which he intends the meaning of the n-word is not in the reclaimed “nice way” but instead in the derogatory way that the term is generally used in society. What this criticism can be seen as questioning is to what extent should distortion of reality be allowable in a generated system, is it allowable for me to make these generalisations and infer my conclusions? It is generally accepted that some level of distortion is allowable for a model, take…
syrup, detergent, water, oil Background: Density and viscosity are closey related in which they both affect one and other. Denisty has many factors like weight, mass, and volume. To work cohesivly there are different things we must pay attention to. Density is how closley packed the particles in a substance are while viscosity is the resistance that a fluid has to flowing and movement. Viscosity is due to the movement of particles. The particle theory is a great tool to help us understand how…
The idea of this investigation came from curiosity that I had ever since I was younger. I questioned why honey had a slower flow than water. This is a liquid’s resistance to flow and that is otherwise known as viscosity. This a concept that people would call thickness of a liquid. It makes sense that the thicker the liquid the viscosity would be greater. Viscosity describes the friction of a moving liquid. A liquid with high viscosity resists motion due to the fact its molecular composition…
A fluid in which the viscous stresses taken place from its flow at all the point are linearly proportional to the rate of change in its deformation over time is called Newtonian fluid. Newtonian fluid explains the relationship between the shear rate and the shear stress is linear with the proportionality constant, which is to be referred as the coefficient of viscosity. Non-Newtonian fluid is a fluid where the properties of fluid flow are not similar with Newtonian fluid. In Newtonian fluids,…
Double diffusive convection phenomenon occurs in situations where flow is driven by solutal gradients apart from thermal gradients. Present days in industrial processes like food processing, drying, chemical vapour deposition etc. the nature of fluid flow with in the process chambers largely governs the outcome. Thus research on double diffusive convection flows in relations to various applications in many mechanical and chemical engineering industries and also in fields like oceanography,…