“Come to me, Sir Gwaine,” rasped the faceless hooded figure standing before me, a man cloaked in dark robes, bearing a longsword. “It is your time.” My gods, where am I? I thought, as a ghostly fog crept in, shrouding the leafless forest trees and enveloping my body. The ethereal mist chilled me to the core, making it difficult to move, difficult to reason. Then, a deep, ink-like blackness rolled across the sky and trickled down to the earth, a blackness so thick and oppressive I felt like I was choking. All I could make out was the tops of the skeletal trees and the faint outline of the grim man before me, perched upon a rock, caressing the hilt of his weapon with pale, gnarled fingers. I tried to move, but the mist twisted around my body and forced my arms and legs into stillness; it was as if I was ensnared in ghastly spider’s web. Sweat trickled down my brow and into my eyes. I heard the sound of my rapid, shallow breaths in the otherwise silent woods. I was terrified. Panicked. And alone. “Why am I here?” I demanded in a strong, bold voice, despite the fact I was powerless and moments away from begging for mercy. That longsword, now glowing an eerie pale blue, was meant for my neck. Before arriving in this deserted forest clearing, I recalled racing through the Valley of the Fallen Kings with my friend, Merlin. Instead of taking the long way back to Camelot, we decided to take a shortcut through the Valley. I recalled feeling lighthearted, running and laughing, and…
the room to the right of the investigators. It then moved quickly out of the doorway. “We researched the development of fog in interior spaces and found nothing scientifically that could substantiate what we were seeing on our infrared night vision camera that night,” said Todd. “The fog moved intelligently, we could not see it with our own eyes, and it seemed to avoid human contact.” One of the team’s favorite technological tools is the SB7 and the SB11 Spirit Boxes. “The journey these devices…
Herbert James McKenzie’s last words were, “The life insurance is with the wills and the deeds in the top drawer of the office cabinet.” A sad epitaph for a man who survived Rommel, fought in the jungles of Burma and was a Military Policemen in post-war Palestine. He was the consummate soldier to the end, raised on discipline and order: a place for everything and everything in its place. Herbert had scrimped and saved for years, operating his business on a shoestring, driving a used car and…
presidents but Herbert Hoover is not one of them. He was the 31st president of the United States of America was born on August 10, 1874; he died ninety years later on October 20, 1964. He was born in West Branch, Iowa, and he died in New York City, New York. Hoover studied at Stanford University. He became an orphan at the age of nine. His father passed away when he was six years old, and his mother died three years later. After the death of his parents, Herbert Hoover was taken to Oregon where…
Franklin Delano Roosevelt lead the country through some of the roughest times, including the Great Depression and World War II. What Roosevelt is known for is being the only president to serve longer than two terms. He combated the Great Depression with the New Deal, strengthened the ties with Latin America, and lead the country though WWII. Although, he died before the war was over, he still was the leader through the majority of it. Franklin Roosevelt was one of the most important leaders the…
The 1920’s were known as the “Roaring Twenties” because of all the partying that was going on at the time. World War One had just ended and people were in a constant state of celebration. This lasted an entire decade. However, a time of much joy was followed by a time were partying, having a job, and having food on the table were luxuries. This time period was known as The Great Depression. As America began to entire this desperate time, a new president was elected. Herbert Hoover was elected…
(1923-1924) and Curtis Wilbur (1924-1929). Denby transferred and sold oil leases controlled by the Navy to his friends which contributed to the Teapot Dome Scandal. He resigned from his position as Secretary of the Navy. Coolidge then appointed Curtis Wilbur. Wilbur created a stronger Navy and President Herbert Hoover later appointed him to serve in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. The Secretaries of Agriculture were Henry C. Wallace (1923-1924), Howard M. Gore (1924-1925), and William M.…
Roosevelt: The Lion and The Fox It is often said that Franklin D. Roosevelt was not as great a President as his cousin Theodore Roosevelt, but leading the United States during the Great Depression, he had to be as strong as a lion and as clever as a fox. James McGregor Burns does an amazing job at describing Franklin’s life as a young boy to the day he was re-elected for the third time to be the president of the United States. Mr. Burns was a prize winning author that specialized in…
Chapter 7: (The Spoilsmen: An Age of Cynicism) The Spoilsmen were also known as Robber Barons or Captains of Industry. From 1865 through the Industrial Revolution, they controlled most of the wealth, and thought that since they or their parents worked hard to get it they deserved it. The Republican Party was corrupt at this time, and was more successful than the Democrats. All the Republican Presidents during this time period were corrupt in some way, and even the leaders of the Republican Party…
In his time, there was no way of knowing whether or not Washington was a good president, because there had been no predecessors before him. A historian named Richard Norton Smith said that all George Washington gave us was “our country as we know it today” (Young). He also went on to say, “Washington did not have Thomas Jefferson’s ability to turn an iconic phrase or James Madison’s penchant for coming up with profound concepts” (Young). However, Washington was the most quintessential president…