David Bowie. What is the first song you think of when you think of David Bowie? The first song I think of is Space oddity. This is a beautiful song. The lyrics, the music video, the actual song, the story behind it, the riff, everything. First, you are an astronaut that is about to blast off into space. Then you are blasting off, and then in space. You do things like leave the spaceship, and communicate with ground control, but then there is a malfunction in the system, and you are lost in space. Then, you remember that you are listening to a song. Here is a little bit about David Bowie. First, he was born in Brixton, London, UK. The date he was born on was January eighth, nineteen forty-seven (1947). His full name is David Robert Jones; David…
Eight albums in and we’ve gone from a quiet little bar in anytown USA, steeped in nostalgia and sweetness to something else entirely. It was building from the start and although that only comes through in hindsight and by looking at the trajectory of his career, it doesn’t seem completely shocking that Tom Waits would end up making an album like Swordfishtrombones when he did, in 1983. Rising out of the jazz, blues and pop standard traditions he explored in previous albums, this is a theatrical…
Blake Smith Mr. Engstrom Physics May 8, 2017 Eta Carinae The Eta Carinae, previously known as Eta Argus, has a luminosity five million times greater than the suns. The Eta Carinae has two stars and for examples we will name them η Car 1 and η Car 2. η Car 1 has a mass of about ~100 to 200 solar masses, which equals about 1.99 × 1030 in kilograms. η Car 1 also has a 60 to 800 solar radius, which is 6.957 00 × 108 meters. η Car 1 has a 5,000,000 Luminosity. η Car 1 has a temperature of 9,400…
Availability PosiGen has a fairly wide service area which includes New York, Louisiana and Connecticut. More specifically, Albany, NY, Baton Rouge, LA, Bridgeport, CT, Houma, LA, Metairie, LA and New Orleans, LA. If you live outside of these service areas and are interested in PosiGen 's services, you will need to contact them to see if they would be willing to serve your area. If you live in a state outside of PosiGen 's service area, then you would be better off finding a local solar company…
spreads out with distance, therefore the farther away the star is the harder it may be to see. The last factor is that different colors travel at different wave lengths, depending on the temperature of the star, the main color of light sent out by the star changes. Cooler stars show redder light; hotter stars show blue or white light. Alongside the stars in space, there is a lot of other matter known as dark matter. This dark matter can include nebulae which are clouds of gases and interstellar…
Ever wanted to know more about nebulae or galaxies? A nebula is a cloud of interstellar dust, stars, and gas (usually hydrogen and helium). A nebula is less dense than a vacuum and mass less than a few kilograms although it is usually the size of the earth or bigger. A galaxy is gravitationally pulled system of stars, stellar remnants, interstellar gas, dust and dark matter. Galaxies range in size in lightyears. Galaxies, they are what holds our solar system and many, many more. We may not be…
Stars are complex and giant balls of matter that have many things to understand about. Stars are born of gas and dust and have a life cycle based on their original mass. All stars start out in their main sequence, but the first difference between the mass of stars is when they stop producing energy. The low-mass stars become giant, and the high-mass stars become super giant. For low-mass, the star then becomes a planetary nebula, then finally a white dwarf. High-mass stars become a supernova, a…
the other hand, a little smaller than the sun providing it with an enormous life span of over 13 billion years.” Explained Dr Keller, who is the first author of a paper published in the journal nature.” stated by SM0313 oldest known star published by Editors. When Dr Keller and his colleagues went to do some research on this star they found that the contents of SM0313 has at least 10 million times as less iron of that of the sun. Which means that this star is truly a second generation star. I…
As people decided to sending human into deep space to explore unknown feature of the universe, the environment outside the earth is a big uncertainty with factors that we can’t fully understand yet. Besides the cost and the time we spend during long space travel, stay in the cold, vacuum universe would let astronauts experience different kind of radiation. These radiation may be some ionized particles as electromagnetic waves traveling with high speed and energy. They could come from nearby…
the outer shell starts fusing. The star starts to expand and becomes a giant red ball. The red giant ball is heated so much that it starts fusing gas. When the gas is also used up, the star becomes unstable. This is when the outer layer of the star is ejected leaving behind the core which is known as dwarf. It emits radiations these radiation ionize the gas atoms present in the surrounding. the supernova remnant. Enormously big stars eventually explode shooting out matter in every possible…