Income-tax notices and how to avoid them It is not uncommon to be served with income tax notices because many people may not be aware of what they are supposed to do. Most tax notices alert the recipients about the issue that needs to be addressed or corrected immediately. Whatever reason is behind your notice, never ignore the notice because the tax department can impose fines of up to Rs 10,000 if the concerned party fails to reply to the notice in assessee. The number of people being served with income tax notices has increased in the recent times partly because of the positive effects of improved monitoring as a result of stricter customer identification process and enhanced online tax filing returns on data processing. The benefit of…
accounting for income tax 3.4.1 Disclosure of income tax part in notes to financial statement for each company AASB 112 para 5 describes the tax base of assets and liabilities is the amount attributed to that asset and liability for tax purpose. According to this standard, we will compare the way of each company applies it and how the companies present it in their notes to financial statements. 1. Cardno Limited presents the detail calculation of income tax by dividing the income tax expense…
Those who have sat through even the most introductory of tax courses know that the determination of income tax liability is not often a completely objective matter. It has become nearly impossible for the statutes, rulings, and cases to keep up with the ever-evolving business environment. In 2006, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) took a step towards curbing this ambiguity with the release of Interpretation No. 48, Accounting for Uncertainty in Income Taxes (FIN 48). This…
Income Tax - Assessment 1A - 1. To decide whether a person is classed as employed or self-employed, HMRC will apply tests to that person’s situation in order to make a decision. There are 7 main criteria for establishing a person’s situation: control, financial risk, equipment, work performance and correction, holidays, sickness and exclusivity. Control establishes how much control the person who is paying for the work has over the person employed to do the work. In this case Katy completes…
In the endeavor of increasing income equality, multiple laws, regulations and tax credits have been effectuated. For a period of three decades, economists have advocated the use of a tax system for this purpose. For example, transferring the responsibility to a tax system such as Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) has been proven to be more efficient than other methods, such as the welfare system. The welfare system has not been completely transferred to a more efficient tax system due to political…
The federal income tax that has been used in the U.S. for most of the twenty-first century has been in place ever since 1913. Today, the sources of federal tax revenue from taxes are collected from individual income taxes, Social Security and other payroll taxes, corporate income taxes, excise taxes, and estate and gift taxes. Over time politicians and scholars have suggested ideas of switching to consumption based means of taxation many times but it hasn’t been well supported until the past…
up costing more than a ticket on a regular airline. As a low income earner, in the short run I was intrigued to get a good deal on an air plane ticket, but in the long run I was worse off. Moreover, this scenario resembles an issue in the Unites States income tax policy. Progressive taxation exists to alleviate the gap between high and low income earners, and in the short run progressive…
It is 2032 and a guaranteed universal basic income has been in place for about 5 years now. My dad is a doctor and went through 2 medical residencies to get where he is now. He has been in school for as long as I can remember, working hard, studying so much my family barely saw him, he even had to work two jobs when he was in residency so that our family could live comfortably. 6 years ago, all of my dad’s dedication and hard work paid off. He opened his own practice! Back then, we all thought…
an Income tax return for an individual. Assistance for individuals wanting to file their income tax return. This report helps individuals who wish to know more about filing an income tax return for themselves in Australia. It gives a bird eye about things to keep in mind while filing an income tax return Sreyansh Giri 21922648 Table of contents Executive Summary ......................................................................................................... 1 Introduction…
capital gain in the hand of assessee? Law: Section 6 of the Income Tax Law defines the assessable income. According to it, assessable income of the taxpayer for the relevant income year means the aggregate of ordinary income and taxable statutory income. S104 of the Income Tax Act provides that the assessee must include in his/her assessable income the net amount generated by way of sale of capital asset held by him/her during the income year under consideration. According to 102-20, the…