social revolutions and explorations. All these events had their impact over the society, but two events are probably the most important ones that influenced the relationship between the war and the society. The treaty of Westphalia and the industrial revolution. The first event the treaty of Westphalia happened in 1648 and it brought to an end a two major wars “The Thirty Years War” and “The Eighty Years War” . The outcomes of this treaty establish a foundation for the sovereign states, the Decline of the importance of religion as a motive for conflict, and rise of the nationalism. Arguably, turning point for why the wars are fought is the treaty of Westphalia.…
The French Revolution has political, social and economic changes. Economically, France faced severe financial crisis due to overspending. At the time they also faced bad harvests that resulted in the shortage of food. Politically, France had an absolute monarch that they suffered under and most people were denied basic rights such as a say in their government. Socially, France was divided among Three Estates. The third estate was made up of 98% of the population and had the fewest rights, the…
relationship of war to society impacted the modern era” The history of western civilization reveals many critical factors that continue to shape war in the modern era. The most influential factors on the modern relationship of war to society are The Thirty Years War, The French Revolution, and The Industrial Revolution. They were the most influential because each of them produced a new socio-economic bedrock incompatible with existing warfare. Specifically, each new bedrock shaped a…
Throughout history, revolutions have developed in response to a variety of conditions. These revolutions have often resulted in significant political, economic, and social change. Change has an important and lasting impact on how people or regions develop differently than they were before. Four revolutions used to show change are Neolithic evolution, French revolution, Industrial revolution, and Russia Revolution. During the Paleolithic Revolution, nomadic bands learned to farm. By producing…
Congress of Vienna was an assembly of 5 powers of the continent(British, French, Prussia, Austria, Russia) , held from Sept-1814 to June 1815 to discuss the state of Europe and how to deal with the aftermath of Napoleonic wars. The aim of the assembly was to create balance of power among the European Empires to avoid future wars in the continent. This summit successfully maintained peace among these Empires for 40 years . It was only after 99 years an all-out war took place involving the…
effective centralized governance, positioned the Hexagon to thrive in pre-industrial world. A combination of economic, social and political changes turned many of these strengths into weaknesses. The Industrial Revolution, meant…
Different forms of government affected relationships among states and between states and individuals. 2. Spread of European commerce worldwide markets. 3. Effects of the Scientific Revolution on politics, society, and ethical issues. 4. How everyday life was affected by demographics, environmental, medical, and technological changes. 1815-1914 will also include: 1. The Industrial Revolution spread from Great Britain to the continent and the role of the state in promoting industry. 2. The…
examining what are two events similar in nature, though vastly different when looking at the details. The Battle of Waterloo in 1815 and the Battle of the Somme in 1916 are prime examples of this; both were European war battles, though there are more differences than similarities, which, at least in part, can be traced to a number of events occurring in the time between; most notably, the Industrial revolution.…
great came Ivan the Terrible. Russia and the British established trade, thanks to Ivan the Terrible. Peter the Great became Tsar in the late 17th Century. By developing the Empire's size and power, Peter the Great decrease the isolation. Peter the Great also expanded the military mass conscription. The military was always at war because of the…
Effects of Revolutions on the Economic Status I-The British Industrial Revolution (1760-1860) Before the invention of the steam engine in the 18th century, the overall population around world in general and specifically in Great Britain relied mainly on plantation and self-production. The norm was for individuals to cultivate their own plants, create their own foods, weld metal and manufacture necessities that were needed throughout their lives. In some areas, a small shop or two existed…