advertising products and services by use of internet. The developments in the field of technology have played a big role in making e marketing possible and more importantly efficient. There are dramatic changes particularly in the way entrepreneurs communicate with their customers. Use of interactive media such as Facebook, Twitter, and website has facilitated this effective communication in the process of marketing. Businesses have flourished because of internet marketing since there are fundamental ways in which marketing has changed. The difficulty of communication, failing to reach potential customers, costs of advertising, is some of the challenges that the entrepreneurs were experiencing…
Improving Customer Service Mark Ott Malone University Abstract The topic of improving customer service and communication is a subject of research interest. The outside corporate customer sales group is the interface with the end customer. The commercial sales group has functioned well in the past. However, with the increase in manufacturing capability and the large scale global footprint, customers have started to complain about the overall customer service and…
Good communications with internal stakeholders, such as employees, are also vital if, in the long term, successful favourable images, perceptions and attitudes are to be established. Internal communications can help not only to inform and remind/reassure but also to differentiate employees in the sense that they understand the organisation’s direction and purpose, appreciate what the brand values are and so identify closely with the organisation as a whole. If there’s a set of shared values then…
WV. I asked him how important is it to have effective verbal communication skills within this company, what role does effective written communication skills play within this company, and does this company mindful of nonverbal communication displays, does a people’s nonverbal behavior help you understand them. Joest’s response to the importance of verbal communication skills, “Being a retail store verbal communication skills are extremely important in all sides of the business. Starting with the…
Communication is the transfer of messages from one individual to another (Davies, 2016, slide 4). It is an effective usage of teamwork and delivery of customer service (Leonard, Graham & Bonacum, 2004). Thus, effective communication skills can positively impact a customer service relationship. This essay analyses the communication behaviour of the customer service representative (CSR). The paper, explains why the behaviour was inappropriate/ inadequate and how it had a negative impact on the…
efficient and optimized, a decade later we all have a different perspective of what it means to be a service leader but remain aware of how important an interaction with a customer can be (Wolcott).” Customer service is an always-changing industry but the main objective stays the same. Technology plays a major role in the customer service industry. Before social media became a big part of customer’s lives the customer service industry was your basic call center with representatives giving help…
to establish effective communication channels, care providers must start by listening (Hinton & Schaeffer, 1994). Understanding customers’ needs and expectations is only possible if special attention is committed to exercising good listening skills. The problem is that the healthcare industry is characterized by having a paternalistic culture in which healthcare professionals are used to listen to themselves, not to their patients. Before the patient has finished his/her statement, the care…
Effective communication in the work environment is key to the achievement of the goals and objectives of the organization. Communication is a process by which information and shared understanding are transmitted from one person to the other (Lunenburg 2010). However, according to Team FME (2013), communication is not only two-way but also complex and may involve various iterations before a mutual understanding is reached. When this mutual understanding is reached, communication will be deemed…
Understanding customer needs as well as motivating employees is a challenge that has been facing business leaders in the competitive world of business (Johnson, 2013). The success of any business lies in providing excellent service to its customers. However, most of the leaders have a problem with understanding the complex as well as changing needs of the customers. Leaders may find themselves in the risk of having outdated policies that fail to meet the emerging needs of the customers. Such…
the maximum output from the employees, it is important to manage them in a proper way. Hence, the role of human resource management (HRM) from the perspective of an organisation cannot be ignored. This paper deals with the role of HRM in organisational performance and strategic planning from the perspective of the retail giant Walmart. Walmart is an US based global retail company that operates under 11695 stores in 28 countries (Walmart, 2017a). It caters the demand of 260 million customers…