company and culture that did not feel the rules applied to them. The company's CEO and cofounder, along with leading members, family and friends. Friends including, the founder of Martha Stewart Living Omni-media, Martha Stewart, who served five months for insider trading. After receiving a tip in December 2001 indicated that for Erbitux, a colon cancer drug made by ImClone, would be rejected by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). CEO Samuel Waksal tried to sell 80,000 of the company's shares. The day before the FDA's rejection, Waksal's family, close friends, and other big ImClone shareholders sold millions worth of stock. The stock then started to plummet into the teens after its December high of around $60. Six months later, in June of 2002 Waksal was arrested on charges that he illegally acted on inside information in attempting to sell ImClone…
1. How would you characterize Martha Stewart’s initial public relations response to the charges against her? I believe that Stewart made no attempts putting her story out in news. Also, she didn't made any effort you show people that she's innocent and she hasn't done anything wrong. I believe she made the right decision by letting her lawyers do the most talking. 2. What key public relations principle did Martha Stewart violate? Martha Stewart thinks that didn't do anything wrong and haven't…
Martha Stewart’s case surrounded her sale of 3,928 shares in ImClone System Inc. The case aims at determining whether Martha Stewart lied to investigators and her company’s investigators about it. On Dec. 27, 2001, Stewart cashed out her ImClone stake at an average price of $58.43, collecting about $229,500 (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, 2003). After the market closed the following day, the Food and Drug Administration announced its refusal to review ImClone's application for Erbitux,…
foundational studies and theories were established. These “schools of thought” were differentiated by support for either rational or natural systems as well as administrative practices. Central themes across the literature examined the primary differences between rational and natural systems and the selected schools of thought. Theories such as “Taylor’s Scientific Management”, “Fayol’s Administrative Theory”, “Weber’s Theory of Bureaucracy”, and “Simon’s Theory of Administration Behavior”…
They explain how the activity system define a group of people who share a common goal or motive. I completely agree on how an activity system allow certain communities are structurally connected. This is a great way to help you understand community relationships. Activity system is a good system because it “sees all aspects of activity as shaped over time by people’s social interactions with each other and the tools they use” (1). Everyone is in an activity system even if you don’t realize it.…
How Shake Shingle Metal Roofing Compares To Wood Shakes If you love the look of a wood shake roof but hate the thought of all the maintenance a wood roof needs, then you should consider getting a shake shingle metal roof instead. You'll have the look you like, but none of the upkeep required for real wood. Here's how the two types of roofing compare. Appearance You may imagine metal roofing to be in long sheets like you see on barns, but it actually comes in different forms. The metal can be…
Fundamentals of a Roof Warranty Learn the basics of roof warranties and what homeowners should know before they buy. Roofing contractors and roofing material manufacturers both offer a variety of warranties designed to protect their customers from incurring excessive costs in the event of roof damage. However, it is essential for homeowners to understand a few basics about warranties, including what they are and are not, why reading the fine print is important, and how a warranty can benefit…
In the broadest conception, the term connotes a complex of interacting components together with the relationships among them that permit the identification of a boundary-maintaining entity or process” (p.7). A number of systems were noted and intertwined within the movie. Within each system, a different side of the individual was portrayed. Systems theory “describes human behavior in terms of complex systems. It is premised on the idea that an effective system is based on individual needs,…
Further, the systems theory and the ecological perspective will be employed as methods of explaining presenting issues of the case. Presenting Problems As noted in the case study, Emma was referred to the Family Services Agency by her pediatrician for further assessments of behavioral problems after a recent well…
Rather than hinder or help, it allows me to ask the questions, and explore the complex systems. Archetypes are not used to dictate behavior but to leverage them. Learning to see structures within which we operate begins a process of freeing ourselves from previously unseen forces and ultimately mastering the ability to work with them and change them (Senge, 2006). Systems archetypes or generic structures embody the key to learning to see structures in our personal and organizational lives…