Carrying dust up to 200 miles off the Atlantic coast, the storm blackened cities and traveled at over 100 miles per hour. Animals and insects fled south and a woman believing the storm marked the beginning of Armageddon, killed her child to spare her the horror. And while Hugh Hammond Bennett was delivering a speech to Congress about soil preservation, dust rained down on Washington D.C. and blackened out the sun. Congress passed his legislation. This is something that Liberal News got on April 15, 1935, "...a great black bank rolled in out of the northeast, and in a twinkling when it struck Liberal, plunged everything into inky blackness, worse than that on any midnight, when there is at least some starlight and outlines of objects can be seen. When the storm struck it was impossible to see one's hand before his face even two inches away. And it was several minutes before any trace of daylight whatsoever…
However, the problem for curing the land was still unsolved. One man who thought he could change that was Hugh Bennett. Hugh Bennett was a soil scientist who had long declared that the problem of the dust bowl was due to soil erosion. The settlers had torn up the prairie grass that for thousands of years had held the topsoil down and then the soil had dried up with the drought; devoid of an anchor, the soil could be carried away by the high prairie winds. Bennett wanted to replant the grass and…
Unfortunately for him, when the next election came, there was a new president who promised, “Happy Days Are Here Again” (pg.131), this was President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Roosevelt tried to reassure people that their money would be insured. This was the creation of the Emergency Banking Bill, which said the government would insure your money and back your dollars. Next Roosevelt needed to help the farmers, so he added Hugh Bennett to his team, who was there to try and help the farmers, realizes…
A major issue at the center of Danticat’s novel, “The Dew Breaker” deals with the brutal military dictatorship of Haiti. There are numerous chapters in Danticat book where she expresses how brutal the Presidents army, the Tontons Macoutes, were to the citizens of Haiti. Danticat depicts the misery, violence, and suffering of the Haitian people under the hands of President Jean-Claude Duvalier and his military personnal. The novel showcases how the supreme power of Duvalier was exercised, through…
We open the story,”V for Vendetta”, to a woman getting ready in here apartment. The setting is a dystopian London town. The woman’s name is Evey. She goes out on the street but gets stopped by fingermen. A masked man named V, swoops in and saves her by killing two fingerman. He then takes Evey back to his Shadow Gallery, where he holds a lot of art and music that were taken by the government. V then goes after Mr. Prothero and captures him by killing all of bodyguards. He takes Prothero to a…
conversation with Laura. When the call ends, the audience will see Jeevan knocking on the door to his brother’s apartment. This will be done at an eye level shot. This shot will exactly match what happens in the last three paragraphs on page 26. For the role of Jeevan, I would cast Michael Weatherly from NCIS. Whenever I picture Jeevan, I picture a tall young looking man with brown hair. Michael Weatherly fits this description. In NCIS, Weatherly’s character struggles to find a girlfriend and…
Lewis Grassic Gibbon was the pseudonym of James Leslie Mitchell (1901-1935). Born of peasant ancestry, Gibbon was an active socialist and writer at work during the Scottish Renaissance of the early to mid twentieth century alongside such contemporaries as Neil M. Gunn (1891-1973) and Hugh MacDiarmid (1892-1978). The author 's careful employment of stream-of-consciousness technique, the Scots idiom and social realism have marked this particular text out as one of the most innovative and defining…
Good morning/afternoon, ladies and gentlemen of the Australian Film festival selection panel for 2016, I present to you an amazing and accurate representation of Australian culture and community, the film directed by Baz Luhrmann, Australia. The film Australia was set in 1939, Lady Sarah Ashley played by Nicole Kidman travels from Britain to Australia to meet her husband Maitland Ashley played by Anton Monsted in northern Australia as the business is failing at Faraway Downs Farm. Maitland…
First Charges The first initial charges in Hollywood were filed against American film producer Harvey Weinstein. BBC has made a timeline regarding who accused Weinstein and when. BBC states that “The allegations were first made in October by actresses Rose McGowan, Ashley Judd, Kate Beckinsale, Asia Argento, Gwyneth Paltrow, Angelina Jolie, and numerous other women.”( Women have been charging Weinstein from October into early February. Just recently, on February 3, actress Uma…
In the beginning of “V for Vendetta” the voice of the London radio, Fate to London and Prothero to the authorities, talks about the weather and other updates. As the broadcasting continues, two people, a man who goes by V, and a young girl, who goes by Evey, are shown getting ready for something. The girl walks out into the night, approaches the man, and asks the man if he would like to sleep with her. Little did she know that she had offered herself to a Vie Detail on stake-out. When the…