Introduction The Effects of Oiled Wisconsin Fast Plants Seeds on the Rate of Germination In this lab report, I will discuss the relationship between oil and the rate of germination of seeds. My Null hypothesis states that oil will not effect the rate of germination of Wisconsin Fast Plant seeds. The purpose of this experiment is to test the Null hypothesis. The symptoms caused by the contamination with oil are countless and generally not specific. The same substance can induce different effects in different species, and conversely, the same symptoms can arise from exposure to different substances (Baker, 1970). After an oil spill, an increase in the production of biomass and in the rate of germination of seeds can be observed. In this experiment,…
How does unused motor oil affect the percent germination of Romaine Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. var. longifolia) seeds? Research Question How does unused motor oil affect the percent germination of Romaine Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. var. longifolia) seeds? Background Germination in seeds is when the seed coat breaks revealing the embryo or sprout of the plant (Biology Online). For a seed to properly germinate it must have water, oxygen, and the correct temperature (BBC). Each type of seed has…
Germination- Germination is when seeds are spread/blown somewhere else and grow into new plants or when a seed is planted by someone in the ground. Although there are many important factors that are involved in seed germination the three most important ones are water, sunlight, and temperature. Plants are not able to germinate if the seed is watered too much or too little. Plants are not capable to grow food from sunlight when they are seeds, so the seed will use other things, such as water, to…
Germination is the transition from mature embryos to an actual plant containing both a root and a shoot. This involves having a visible root and shoot as well as cotyledon elongation. (Attree 1990) Once the seed germinates, both a root and a shoot forms, and the seed capsule is pushed up, out of the dirt by the stem before it falls off. The different treatments used in this study affected the overall germination of the Picea mariana seeds. The seeds which were only treated with distilled water…
Germination is the process by which a plant grows out from a seed. The most common example is the sprouting from a seed of an angiosperm, a flowering plant, or a gymnosperm that are seed-bearing plants. For a seed to germinate, few external conditions are in need to be met as well as internal conditions of the seed such as its dormancy, viability and its vitality to sprout. When these internal conditions are met, the external conditions at the time of seed germination plays a big role. First of…
Germination is the process in which a plant stems from a seed, and it is fundamental in the development of plants. There are factors that go into how a seed will germinate, one of the most important being temperature. It is said that temperature is an environmental factor that affects germination. Temperature can affect the percent and rate of germination in at least three different ways. The first being that since seeds deteriorate, unless germinated, and the rate of deterioration depends…
when it is ready to germinate. Inside the seed near the micropyle, there is a root called a radicle. When the seed begins to grow the radicle will come out the micropyle. The seed coat can protect the seed from many factors such as freezing temperatures, heat, radiation, or acidity. Each seed has to go through the process of seed germination before they become a plant. With the right temperature and amount of water, the seed should start germinating within a couple days. The oxygen and…
Background Germination is when seeds undergo the process of turning into plants when the right conditions are given. These conditions include water, oxygen, temperature (some seeds may need a warmer/cooler temperature depending on the type of seed) and some seeds may also need a specific amount of light to germinate ( Seeds have an outer shell (seed coat) surrounding them. Inside the seed coat is the embryonic plant and the seed lives…
Effects on Sunflower Germination TESTABLE QUESTION: What are the effects of different amounts of aspirin on sunflower germination? BACKGROUND: Aspirin is probably the most well-known pain killer. Aspirin is a salicylate, a bitter compound present in certain plants, and a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug. Aspirin can treat headaches, pain, fever, and inflammation. It can also decrease the risk of a heart attack, strokes, and chest pain. It works by blocking a certain natural substance in…
Grass seed germination process and the important influencing factors Description: the germination is the most helpful process to grow a seed to a seedling and so on. There are various influencing factors which help the grass seed germination process to speed up. The way plants function are more complex one than any other organisms can be found in the world. Trees grow through the seeds and thus it needs to be germinated properly. With the help of germination, one can attain various benefits…