Scientists and anthropologists work together to date objects found in their archeological digging, many being millions of years old. Various methods of dating are available, depending on what they are trying to date. In this essay, the techniques of dating objects will be explored and compared. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages, but all extremely complex and scientific, each with its own purpose. The methods that will be discussed will be Radio Carbon Dating, Relative Dating, Absolute Dating, Remote Sensing, and Dendrochronolgy. Radio Carbon Dating is one of the ways scientists use to date objects, like bones. In the video, Radio Carbon Dating, the narrator, Mr. Anderson explains the way that scientists perform this dating. Simply put, there are three types of Carbon Dioxides in our air or atmosphere: Carbon 12, Carbon 13, and Carbon 14. Carbon 12 and Carbon 13 are carbons that will not change, they remain stable in the atmosphere. However, Carbon 14 will decay over time giving off beta particles. All plants will absorb carbon and produce sugar by a process of photosynthesis. The sugar can either be used by the plant to build itself or burned off through respiration. The sugar used by the plants subsequently ends up in our food sources since we grow plants for food. As long as we are living, we will eat foods containing sugar. This is how Carbon 14 ends up in our bodies and bones. The ratio of Carbon 14 in the atmosphere will always be the equal to what is…
Fossils are considered essential for the study of biological evolution because they are important in creating a time frame for once living organisms. They are the only specimen that provide us with direct physical evidence of the existence of past life as well as showing us the proof of evolution through the changes of each fossil’s skeletal structure. Sometimes interpreting the sequence of evolution within a living creature is difficult as the full range of fossils may not have been found,…
The first poem we read talked about how he died, he was innocent, many people grieved for him, people were weeping that he died so young, and didn't forget him. The second poem discusses if Marilyn Nelson could forget his death, then she would. However, she can't forget it because in pain and awful. This death was probably different from the rest. In a line, it says that “If trees could speak, it could describe, in words beyond words, make us see the strange fruit that still ghosts its reverie.”…
By studying the growth rings in the wood found in the site, it can be possible to date the objects. This is done by comparing the samples taken from Angkor to other samples in the archaeological record. As trees grow at various rates depending on the climate and environmental conditions, some growth rings will be thicker or thinner each year. Dendrochronology is a very precise dating tool as the samples are compared against many others to find a sample with the same growth patterns, and a date…
the memory cloud on an IPhone. Sandra Cisneros uses age to justify people’s actions, as they grow older, in the short story “Eleven”. Cisneros takes the perspective of an eleven-year-old girl and demonstrates how age might be perceived during youth versus the perspective of someone later on in life. She also illustrates how knowledge and behavior that is acquired in earlier years applies throughout entire lifetimes. Through the use of literary devices and descriptive writing, she executes a…
The analysis of the strata below the grave and the extraction of any datable artifacts is not possible with out greatly disturbing the cemetery. No logs or timbers are used in the grave except for possibly the coffin to which we do not have access, so dendrochronology can not be used. Radiocarbon dating requires an organic sample which, again, is not available and this absolute dating process is not effective for dates less than 400 years ago. Potassium-argon dating, which is used to date…
many forms of climate-research methods. Also, greenhouse gases have trapped heat in the atmosphere affecting climate change. One of the forms of climate-research methods are tree rings. In climate-research tree rings are used because trees have growth rings which can show how many years the tree has been through, the weather, and the growth season that the tree has endured. Ice cores are also used in climate-research. An ice core is a thick piece of ice taken from a glacier. The is snow and ice…
to the refrain of memory introduced in the opening line. The last line, though, is an uncompleted sentence, and dissects the subjunctive “would,” giving the question of whether or not the reader wants to recollect Emmett Till’s death. In sonnet II, Nelson transforms the question into an injunction to remember Emmett Till. What Nelson would like to overlook, is the racial facet of Till's murder. Nelson also asserts that it is something she would like to disremember. Nelson refers to work about…
because it is unfazed by chemical, temperature, and physical changes so the timing will be correct no matter what. Another form of dating is using soil, sediment, or peat build-up. Since the build-up of these materials occurs in chronological order if undisturbed, it can show a timeline of objects and events. It can also show environmental events like fires to give an idea of what the climate might have been like and if there were any significant weather events. To get a better picture of what…
world during the span of a lifetime. However, we need to look no further today than observing antibiotic resistant bacteria. Take the fact that because bacteria such as E. coli reproduce at such an incredibly rapid rate, mutations must occur and the ones that have mutate to resist antibiotics could survive. This in turn supports Darwin’s fourth postulate that offspring who survive are better suited for their environment. I know you yourself would claim that mutations always result in a bad…