Background The Blackstone Group (Blackstone) is a private equity firm founded in 1985 by two former employees of Lehman Brothers. In May 2007 the firm had $88.4 billion under management and had grown 41% annually since 2001.…
For Nelson 's 21st birthday, Edward gave his son a 4 acre island that Nelson would suggestively designate as Phoenix Island. At the time of this gift, 1920, there were few trees taller than Nelson who stood 5 ' 9” due to a ferocious fire on the island around 1913. Nelson who knew the island before the fire likened the idea of the island 's recovering plants as a Phoenix, the mythological bird that cyclicly rises itself from the dead. A significant part of Nelson 's childhood was influenced by…
and Mrs. Jennings of Blackstone. They took away a fine lot of fish and vow they will return again. It is always the way; to once visit Blackstone insures a return. Another influential guest was the Chicagoan merchant Mr. Vernon. By 1905 Clevelanders were rediscovering the abundance of small-mouth black bass, wall-eyed pike and muskellunge. A group that had been staying at Stanley House on Lake Joseph on opposite shores from Gordon Bay stayed over a the Summer Resort: Dr. Frank Bunts, a surgeon…
The Canal district in Worcester, Massachusetts is most accurately described as emerging. Despite its name, Worcester covered the Blackstone Canal in the late eighteen hundreds according to the Preservation Worcester website (Preservation Worcester). The lacking presence of the physical canal provides a decent metaphor for the status of the neighborhood, an area of the city that is lacking in terms of what it wishes it could be. Lynch argues that legibility of a city is vital to their…
This past summer, I worked as a Resident Engagement AmeriCorps VISTA for Neighborworks Blackstone River Valley. This work has become a vibrant, central part of my life. Americorps solidified what I believe I want to do in my professional career, as I have gained invaluable professional experience in the nonprofit sector. But more than anything, I learned that there are engaged people that care about making a difference in the world, and that I want to be one of those people for the rest of my…
already growled at for being late to my first class on my first day. To make matters worse, it was maths which is the worst subject ever! However, the thing I was dreading the most was interval because I had not made a single friend yet. Walking into the cafeteria by myself was awkward, and all I could see was excusive groups. Who would want me to join their friendship groups half way through the year? In one corner of the cafeteria sat the sporty people, with the musical ones sitting beside…
A series of make shift dams and flumes are in place on the Blackstone River as it heads towards Blackstone Harbour from Crane used to control the log jams and to get the lumber up to Parry Sound. Also the river between Crane and Blackstone already had its first of several dams placed midway on its length. The Conger Lumber Co. operates throughout the area as the century headed towards its end. Other private interest companies such as Rankin Bros. subcontracting with Conger Lumber and later the…
Architectural elements harmonize and organize architecture. Without order confusion can set in, using architecture elements and principles there will be order and harmony. An architect uses these methods to create an emotional and balanced design. Case studies chosen to analyze are Howard House in West Pennant, Nova Scotia designed by Brian MacKay-Lyons, second chosen was the B2 House in Ayvacik, Turkey by Han Tumertekin. Both buildings have elements and principles of architecture that will we…
Demonstrated through creation of flashcards by accurately writing the product of the fact shown and on assessments. CC.2.2.3.A.1 Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division. Creation of multiplication problems through game activities 10.5.3.F Recognize and describe game strategies using appropriate vocabulary. I was working with third grade standards because understanding multiplication chart begins in third grade and all students should and need to be proficient with…
With everything going on I forgot that still, no one said a word. The only people speaking were the people already in the OA. That morning, we were all separated into groups, and we were all assigned jobs. I didn’t know much about the jobs other groups were assigned, but mine was assigned to trail work. Within no time, we were off to work on our tasks. My group started off on one of the trails. Whenever we saw brush creeping into the trail, it was our job to remove it. It started off fairly…