King Mansa Musa was known for being the richest man in history. He took the throne from 1312 to 1337 and was the son of Sundiata. The 25 year reign was known as the “golden age of the Mali Empire. The empire stretched nearly 2,000 miles all way up to Lake Chad (Mohamed Bearrach, Meet Mansa Musa). The Empire was also known as the Mandingo. The kingdom had a large amount of gold from Bumbuk and Bure, salt mines of Taghaza and ivory. Mansa Musa achieved many goals such as expanding the trade routes, centralized control and most of all for the remarkable pilgrimage to Mecca in 1324. Which promoted Islam and encouraged education. On his journey he took camels, elephants and a lot of servants. Also, during the journey gold was passed out to everyone (Lin Donn, Mansa Musa). Mansa Musa made this time period easy to live in the Empire had resources, improved trade routes, freedom of religion and education. The Mali Empire was founded by Sundiata. He was known to be sick as a child and wasn’t supposed to live. He ruled from 1235 to 1255. After the successful battle against King Soso and the Ghana Empire. The capital was established at the village of Niani. The Mali Empire emerged and included the Mandinke people (Cbs Solutions, Sundiata Keita Story). Leadership of the King was phenomenal and structured. He ran the Empire like a federation verses an absolute monarchy. The focus of Sundiata was to build a great empire whereas, Mansa developed the Islamic religion. The Niger town became a…
It is no secret that the presidential election is a muddy process. Between campaigns, debates, endorsements, primary elections and everything else involved in the candidate process, the path to be becoming president is definitely not a stroll in the park. However, as long as a candidate has the right plans coupled with the right flair and can get the majority of the votes of the US citizens, he or she has nothing standing between him or her and the oval office, right? Unfortunately, there is one…
Mukesh Ambani is famous for being the wealthiest man in India with a networth of $23.6 billion. Ambani made his money by becoming the largest shareholder and the head chairman of Reliance Industries, the second largest company in India, after his father created it. THESIS NEEDED There are many people in Mukesh’s life that have influenced him in many ways, whether they are for good or for bad. One of the greatest influential people to Mukesh Ambani is his brother Anil. After the death of…
Starkweather and Fugate June 25, 1959 Lincoln, Nebraska finally was able to rest. Charles Raymond Starkweather was executed after the terrible murders of 11 people and 2 dogs, 10 of the murders with his partner, and girlfriend, Caril Ann Fugate. From starting in Lincoln, Nebraska to ending in Douglas, Wyoming, the mystery of these murders were finally over, but left many scars and nightmares on the families that had loved ones taken from them. Charles Starkweather and his partner Caril Fugates…
descent into ruthless behavior in places like Los Angeles and New York all the more tragic.” People outside of the midwest have a lot of different stereotypes, Marquart gives example like blond and innocent for how they view young women. This is a bad point of view because its giving the stereotype that people from the midwest cant do anything for themselves. Even though the midwestern states are large producers of many of the nation agriculture, people view the residents as different. Marquart…
The 1862 Homestead Act made to measure lands accessible to homesteaders, the act specified that men and women over and within the age of 21 and single women who were the head any family and married men under and within the age of 21 who do not own over 160acres of land elsewhere were and eligible citizens or wished to become citizens of the United States were qualified to be homestead. The circulation of government lands had been a problem from the time the Revolutionary War, early…
Isabella Bonilla April 8,2015 Period 4 Project Johannes Kelper Johannes Kelper was from Swabia in Southwest Germany. He is famous for discovering the three mathematical laws of planetary motion. Kelper was famous for this because his discovery played a role in the scientific revolution. He also , in his college years, found time to create horoscopes for the students. Kelper's from Swabia, Germany. He was born on December 27,1571. He grew up in a town called Weil der…
They would often would partake in prank wars with one another, occasionally teaming up to trick Beatrice and her mother. She would usually refer to him on a first name basis, since she had gotten to that level of comfort with him. During his free time from work and watching games with Merope, he would train with her for hours until they were both called for dinner. Merope’s dad had never missed a game of hers since she was 4 years old, when she was enrolled in pee wee soccer and basketball. She…
The foundation of The United States was started by the Native Americans and was later fortified by the numerous immigrants who kick started the prosperity of the United States. There is no one race that defines the people of the United States, it is an eclectic combination of many different ethnicities. This definition of the United States and its many races is abundantly obvious is Missouri. Missouri is an eclectic group of races including Native Americans, Europeans, and even some southerners.…
them - a slip-up he would soon come to lament. Urban communities Administration shot up to $200. The experience showed him one of the essential lessons of contributing: tolerance is a goodness. In 1947, a seventeen year old Warren Buffett moved on from Secondary School. It was never his aim to set off for college; he had officially made $5,000 conveying daily papers (this is equivalent to $42,610.81 in 2000). His dad had different plans, and encouraged his child to go to the Wharton Business…