Overall, the solution to this problem isn’t a matter of more regulation, instead we need better regulation. Unnecessary red tape actually benefits the “too big to fail banks” because the smaller banks can’t keep up the new rules. With that in mind, we need the proper leadership to enforce the laws that are on the books. For instance, the Justice Department received an abysmal average of 72 referrals a year from bank regulators for potential criminal charges for the period of 2006 through 2010. That’s a far cry from the 1,837 criminal case referrals that were generated by bank regulators in 1995 alone, during a period with far fewer scandals. The influence of money in politics has certainly permeated into banking regulation. Sure, the SEC has…
performance of most companies. For any business, it is very important to borrow what is needed to help with the reduction of borrowed cost. Shop around and pay down the debt quickly to reduce unnecessary expenses. Disadvantages The Disadvantages of globalization of finance are emerging countries and banks that are weak due to fewer regulations, volatility and the perverted allocation of capital flows, and the instability of the markets. Having a financial crisis will result in the change or…
Regulatory Disasters and Response Regulatory frameworks sometimes fail. It’s a fact. Life, its participants, and the society we create in a state is far too complex for laws and regulations to work or to be conducted as intended every time. But by no means does this permit the failure of regimes. Quite the opposite; for the acceptance of failure brings with it a realisation to implement laws and regulations with the utmost care, and to learn from past mistakes- and there has been huge ones.…
Background The federal government’s role in regulation is to protect consumers and the market. There is an ongoing debate on whether the federal government should regulate the insurance industry due to the bailouts stemming from the financial crisis of 2008. Currently, state governments regulate the insurance industry. Proponents of federal regulation argue that states are inefficient in the duty of insurance regulation. Additionally, the federal government has economies of scale and may offer…
Regulation needs to occur in regards to innovative technology but also trade technology specifically. Trade has moved on with the advancement of technology to make trade easier. To stay in the past with our current policies would be nonsensical. If companies and their methods are advancing, the rules of the game must also advance with them. The policies and regulations from the CFTC “…have stayed pretty much the same. Most of the CFTC’s rules were written for 20th century analog markets”…
fought and spent billions on the “War on Drugs.” Most recently, cannabis (marijuana, weed, THC) has been the focal point of this costly war. Since 1990s, twenty-three states, with California being the first, have legalized cannabis for personal, medicinal, and recreational usage. However, controversy over this not-so-new public enemy remains because it is still illegal under federal law. The War on Drugs is one without end. Advocates of marijuana prohibition believe it discourages crime and…
Having analysed the parameters of guanxi, the same attention must be afforded to corruption. Within such an exploration there are several key questions which must be addressed. The first is whether there has been an increase in corruption, or if corruption has simply been afforded greater attention in recent years. The second issue concerns definition. According to the World Bank, corruption is “the abuse of public office for private gain.” (World Bank 1997). Accordingly, ‘corruption’ might…
Humans have utilized cannabis since 2700 B.C. Over the last few decades, marijuana has been used for textiles, medicine, and recreational use. Society tends to correlate marijuana with lazy, unproductive, and food munching individuals suffering from a drug addiction, but the public opinion has changed in recent years. This shift in opinion is due to the fact that scientific research has disproven many of the myths created by reefer madness in the 1960s. The legal use of marijuana recreationally…
Mysterious Marijuana When it comes to marijuana, majority often have a negative perspective on the substance, but is this really the case? If so, why have other countries begun to legalize marijuana? The decision on whether to legalize this drug has become a heated debate over the years. Moreover, with today 's media-rich culture, it is not a surprise to find endless aspects on cannabis as our uncertainty and ambivalent attitude slowly radiates towards the substance. However, the contention…
Industry Regulation and Legislation Dominique J. Fortson National University Industry Regulation and Legislation Industrial regulation is that the industrial regulation of costs charged to the buyer that is additionally called public regulation. The thought is to work out a value, or rate, that covers the assembly price and a good profit for the corporate. The general public interest theory of regulation that states that it "is necessary to stay a natural monopoly from charging…