paper on Spirit Baptism is very insightful and down to the point; in addition, Gordon L. Anderson’s article does an excellent job unpacking the missteps some Pentecostals have made in debating baptism in the Holy Spirit with those who disagree in the theological and scriptural teaching. Specifically, Anderson says, “These different positions have challenged Pentecostals, largely because they are based on biblical and experiential evidence that seems to be more coherent than that offered by some Pentecostals” (Anderson 3). His point is Pentecostals have gotten away from the position paper and decided to focus on mere sections or phrases rather than the whole of baptism in the Holy Spirit. For myself, growing up in a non-Pentecostal church, this position paper paired with Anderson’s article helped answer some of my own personal hesitations. For example, Anderson takes on one of the most valid objections to Pentecostal…
Dr. Wilson (2016) argues that spiritual formation is about “obedience, conformity to Christ, being an apprentice of Jesus Christ, and action of the Word and Spirit.” The basis of Dr. Wilson’s argument is that these component assist in the formation of an individual’s spiritual growth. Scorgie (2011) contends, “Christian spirituality is ultimately about being attentive to the Holy Spirit’s voice, open to his transforming impulses, and empowered by his indwelling presence” (p. 27). In other…
in the Catholic faith is designed to make people into holier human beings, and allow for believers to learn more thoroughly and deeply about God. In addition, sacraments provide a higher ground on which followers worship and come closer to God on a greater level. Archbishop George Niederauer’s “Flannery O’Connor’s Religious Vision,” St. Bonaventure’s “Breviloquium,” and Flannery O’Connor’s short story “The Temple of the Holy Ghost,” all express the common sacramental themes of God’s grace, the…
that I realized I needed a savior to save me from my own pride. As I began to grow in my walk with Christ, the Holy Spirit began to show me little by little that, although I never did the “big” sins of others, I had the elements of those sins in my heart. It was only by His grace that they did not come together to produce such an evil harvest. He began to show me that I was just like the Pharisees that, when seeing the Messiah, they had longed to see, did not recognize Him because of their…
allows people to question their faith because acts of God can happen to an individual without proof or explanation. An act of God that can cause mysticism in Christianity is a person’s rebirth during baptism. “There is consequently a relationship between the symbols that they employ and the realities that they accomplish” (Danielou, 191). Baptism’s present the element of water as the holy spirit coming into your life. Water is considered an element of purity and cleansing to many people.…
“The Holy Spirit work within you, that being born through water and the Spirit, you may be a faithful disciple of Jesus Christ. Amen.” This is the liturgy used by United Methodist Clergy when a human being of any age is baptized into the kingdom of God. The methods of invoking the Holy Spirit may be the choice of sprinkling, pouring or immersion. All three methods are acceptable in the United Methodist denomination. The “Baptismal Covenant is a Holy Baptism, by which we are incorporated…
There are two baptisms of the Holy Spirit. The first one comes when a person receives Christ as his personal Savior. The second baptism comes when Jesus fills one with the Holy Spirit. This is the controversial baptism because many scholars and theologians suggest that it is only one baptism. However, the Bible gives examples of multiple filling with the Holy Spirit. There are two different baptism on the Holy Spirit and it is available to all believers. The Bible talks about receiving…
Baptism # 1 Today we want to take a look at the origins of what is refereed to as the Anabaptist. To do this we need to take a look at the background of Baptism (by water) in the early church and the Roman Catholic Church. It might be well that we take a little time about the subject of baptism. There are differing theology about this subject. For an Evangelical, baptism by immersion is a public sign that one has accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and…
“Holy Baptism” Baptism is one of the most valued sacraments in the Lutheran church. Baptism offers the “stamp” of God saying to His baptized child as He did His Son, Jesus Christ: “You are my beloved Son [daughter], in whom I am well pleased (Luke 31:21-22).” God offers assurance to the individual through the institution of Baptism in the Church. This sacrament comforts parents of the young children who have died, and families who at the time of a death of a family member or loved one…
Baptism is a ceremonial immersion in water, or application of water, as an initiatory rite or sacrament of the Christian church. It symbolises the covenant between God and mankind to save all of mankind from eternal damnation if they believe Jesus Christ to be their Saviour. It is an important part of the Catholic journey, as it is considered to be the initiation into the Catholic church; John 3:5; Jesus answered, "Very truly, I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God without being born of…