Pre-Lab 10 CS 122L - 5 Points Total Objectives ● Learn how to use anonymous functions ● Practice with looping intervals Deliverables ● Submit your pre-lab answers in Bblearn under the Lab 10 pre-lab assignment area. 1) The anonymous function allows us to easily create mathematical functions, and store them in variables. The documentation below provides additional details. For example, let’s say we wanted to implement the equation x^2 +2*x +1. We could use an anonymous function to create a new function and store in in f: f = @(x) x^2 + 2*x + 1; Now, we can say f(3), and it will evaluate the function at 3 (plugging in 3 for all x). a) Write the MATLAB code to create the function x^2 + 1, and evaluate that function at x = 5.…
Geneese leads with introducing herself, prior to asking if it's a good time to speak. (00:42) Geneese is understanding of the client's concerns when her numbers have changed again, lets the client know that she is going to take a look to see what has changed. (1:59) Geneese acknowledges that two things have changed with the loan, one is the loan amount and points out the interest rate has changed. (2:45) Geneese lets the client know what her finds are with the research. (3:09) Geneese…
The first assignment in this course required that I choose the best shape I saw fit to describe my character. “Squiggle” (see Appendix 1) was my choice since it spoke of creativity which is a major portion of my life. Through the utilization of my resourceful perspicacity, I possess reasoning capabilities beyond the calibre of persons within my age group, with the facility to visualize what is required and take the compulsory steps to achieve them. Similarly, it would have been in my best…
For this assignment, I chose to construct a writing assignment for high school juniors and seniors. The assignment’s structure is meant to help bridge the gap between high school and college writing by introducing high school students to college writing by having them work on and develop skills mentioned in the “WPA Outcomes Statement for First-Year Composition” which students should be expected to have by the end of their first year of college. The reason I wanted to construct an assignment…
Valparaiso University College of Nursing and Health Professions NUR 670: Research Methods for EBP Homework Assignment #4: Qualitative Design Authorized Aid: The student’s own knowledge, notes from class, textbook, other textbooks or academic sources, the professor, and materials posted on Blackboard. Instructions: The purpose of this homework is to identify a qualitative design applicable for your research question. Use your ROL grid to help you identify what design may be useful. You should… Assignment Writing About Assignment Writing Assignments are significant parts of academics, nowadays. Students studying in schools, colleges and universities are assigned some work as assignments and the motive behind giving assignments is to let them develop writing skills, enhance their research capabilities and improve understanding of the subject. Assignment scores are part of academic scores and hence they play an important role to score well. The assignments may be…
ENGL 1113 Student: ________________________ Grammar Assignment #2 Before beginning this assignment, log on to the grammar web site: . Some of the words in the grammar exercise can be found on the web site; the others you will have to find in a dictionary. Log onto the grammar web site; go to the Home page; click on Get Started. Then click on Grammar at the top of the page; click on Review Grammar at the bottom of the page. Click on Commonly…
Metacognition Before; This assignment will assess how I have been doing throughout this part of the semester and the knowledge I have in this task can help me in the future as well as help others who don't understand how to write a myth. First I want to pick a question and maybe do some research, then I’ll think about the setting and the characters. After those steps I have to think about my story and start planning it out and putting those ideas on the storyboard. I have approximately a week…
department (ED). Nurses who are competent in acuity assignment can help prevent delays and promote good patient outcomes. The clinical practice guideline regarding acuity assignment states ED nurses should receive initial and on-going, evidenced-based triage education (Stone & Wolf, 2017). Significance In departments not currently following the clinical practice guideline from the ENA regarding triage competency, there is little feedback given to caregivers regarding wrongful acuity…
For this assignment, my group’s topic was Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and how it is prevalent in the novel, ‘Speak’ by Laurie Hall Anderson. My responsibility was to do the facts and statistics slide and to do the two characters that experienced/influenced PTSD slide. While working on the assignment, I did run into some challenges. The biggest being that it was hard to find facts and statistics on PTSD that were Canadian and relatively recent. I ran into this issue because many…