Tattoos Do Not Define You Going to work everyday should not be like going to school was, you should not be judged for what you wear, how you look, and the tattoos and piercings you decided to get. It is your body, so you should be aloud to do whatever you want to with it. Many older people are not used to people having tattoos or piercing. For the people who have those things it may be harder for them to get a job. In Barrie Gross’ article “Tattoos in the Workplace: What’s an Employer to Do?” he explains how times have changed and people should not be judged for what they have done with their bodies. I agree with Gross’ opinion because tattoos are art to some people. Gross’ view on tattoos are much like my own. People with tattoos work in all levels of each work place. They can hold entry-level jobs or executive positions. The tattoos aren’t the problem it's what they decide to get a tattoo of and what spot it is in. Gross believes people have the right to do whatever they want with their bodies. To get a job you have to present yourself they way your employer would imagine you. Having tattoos is not always acceptable, but it is not appropriate to ban tattoos altogether. In a way it can violate the law. Employers often have policies that do not allow visible tattoos. For people who come in…
“Inking and Thinking: Honors Students and Tattoos” (2016), suggest that, for Honor students, tattoos are an act of defiance in reference to the expectations placed on them. Dundes and Francis support their claims by presenting evidence from a study the authors conducted. The author’s purpose is to explain why there is a substantial difference in the number of honors versus non-honors students who get tattoos in order to prove that honor students’ decisions to get tattoos are less likely to be…
Understanding body modifications Tattoos and piercings in today’s age are commonly seen on teens. They are gradually becoming more popular as more of the youth are struggling to stand out and find themselves today. Although this is becoming the new common trend in today’s mainstream of fashion on teens and young adults, there are still many people who argue both for and against tattoos and piercings. Author Andrew Martin published an article titled “On teenagers and tattoos”. Martin guides his…
Peter Carpenter’s editorial “Dorney Park is Right to Ban Tattoos” was published on the website of a local Pennsylvania newspaper in 2012. Written as a response to a refusal to hire a young woman due to her tattoos, this event only serves as the author’s way of expressing his negative views of the tattoos themselves, as well as of the people who have them. Carpenter states that tattoos are not art. The author goes so far as to say that individuals who get tattoos predominantly belong to criminal…
Overall,I found the novel The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by international award winning Stieg Larsson a gripping obsession which demonstrates many compelling compartments. It captures a murder mystery,the growth of a love story and family saga’s which make an intriguing combination that develops into a satisfying and complex atmospheric novel. This novel The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo could be highly recommended to year 12 students.This entertaining novel around the two main characters Mikael…
I had no idea I would love is as much as I did. The Girl With the Lower Back Tattoo being one of many books written by comedians I have read, I fully expected it to be like all of the others, but I was so wrong. Similar to other comedian-turned-authors, Schumer opened up about the struggle to break into the industry, her sexual history, and sexism in the industry, but unlike others she touched on so much more than that. The first in a string of important yet difficult topics Schumer takes on is…
Stieg Larsson’s novel, The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, is an intense thriller that concentrates on the systematic violence against women in Sweden. The original Swedish title translated to Men Who Hate Women, the story revolves around solving the forty-year-old disappearance of Harriet Vanger. While looking into what seemed as a murder, Mikael Blomkvist, an investigative journalist, and research assistant, Lisbeth Salander, began to uncover a series of violent murders of women from the past and…
For the research project, I decided to look at tattoos in different cultures, and what the different methods that different countries (North America and Asia) used, and how methods had varied among their different subsistences. Throughout this research project, I learned many things. For one, the way the Yuki, Chuckchee, and Iban all tattooed was pretty similar. Their reasons for tattooing differed a little, and I was surprised to learn the meanings behind the tattoos. Cultural Practice Yuki …
appears to be a salient rise in the desire for people to signify that which they undoubtedly own – their own bodies. Tattoos fulfil this purpose. It becomes evident to me that the richness of Auckland’s culture is reflected in the myriad of views towards covering the body in ink. This societal variation inevitably results in a multifaceted conclusion. It would be difficult to perceive tattoo culture as a tame league of bodily modification. Involving needles, ink, flesh, pain and a high degree…
modifications to the body. Some of the most common type of body art are piercing, tattoos, and scarification. These methods are often used as a rites of passage, aesthetic reasons, religious reasons, and to show self-expression. The three different cultures being talked about are the, Tikopia, Marquesas, and Tsonga. All three cultures use body art through the process of tattooing. These different cultures do not do this art for the same reasoning which is one way to distinguish the different…