“An Inspector Calls”, is a play written by JB Priestley in 1945. It is a thought-provoking play that explores the issues of accepting responsibility. The play is centered on a wealthy family in the upper class, who refuse to accept their involvement in Eva Smiths death. Using the Inspector as a mouthpiece, Priestley is able to discredit the capitalist views of the audience and Mr. Birling. Through the characters of Mr. and Mrs. Birling, Priestley shows how the class that a person belongs to or the status of a person cannot save you when it comes to accepting responsibility. Both Mr. and Mrs. Birling remained ignorant and selfish till the very end, which is emphasized by their “dumbfounded” faces when the curtain falls for the last time.…
Responsibility in An Inspector Calls by J.B. Priestley J.B Priestly wrote 'An Inspector Calls' just as the 2nd World War was coming to an end in 1945. The play was based in the time just before…
“An Inspector Calls” is a play written by JB Priestly, that revolves around a theme of blame and responsibility. To convey and show the moral of the play, it is contrasted to compare differences and to emphasize by setting responsibility as a central theme of the play but then providing a fascinating portrait of the way that people can let themselves off the hook and take no responsibility whatsoever. Priestly explicitly differentiates and portrays between those who have accepted their…
Mr. Birling is oblivious to the word ‘responsibility’, his mind seems to reject it as he believes that people should care only for themselves, even as the inspector was questioning him he denies everything and still keeps his childish behaviour. Piestly finds Mr. Birling’s ideals to be insulting and he wrote this play to fight against these sorts of people. Mrs. Birling (Sybil) being Mr. Birling’s ‘social superior’ always tries to correct him ‘Arthur’; you’re not supposed to say such…
J.B Priestley’s play ‘An Inspector Calls’ applies the theme of social and moral responsibility to express how the capitalist views of 1912 can ruin them. With Priestley being an advocate and socialist for equality, he purposely evokes the thoughts and actions of the prototypical capitalist communities of the 1900s, critiquing them for their unsympathetic and self-centred mindset, which are some of the most significant factors that disagree entirely with the idea of social responsibility. The…
Why is responsibility such a significant theme in An Inspector Calls? In An Inspector Calls, the central theme is responsibility. Priestley uses the Inspector as a representative to voice his opinions on the main theme and the idea of socialism. Throughout the play, he presents each character with a role of responsibility and tries to make them aware, through the Inspector, that they are all guilty of Eva's death. The Inspector wants The Birlings to share their responsibility; Priestley's focus…
An Inspector Calls summer work J.B Priestley creates mood and atmosphere between the characters in the presented extract by giving the characters unique reactions and responses towards Inspector Goole. In Mrs. Birlings response towards the inspector, she seems to be more stern and forward, above everyone else. “You have no power to change my mind” makes the audience think that Mrs. Birling has power over the inspector, and that she has the choice on whether or not to further respond to the…
John B Priestley’s play, “An Inspector Calls’ was written after the Second World War during the Victorian and Edwardian period. During this period was when division between the behaviour of the older and younger generations could be clearly recognised. The older generation consist of Mr and Mrs Birling whom throughout the play fail to admit that they had any part in the death of Eva, as their reputation is the only thing that concerns them. Conversely the younger generation, Sheila and Eric feel…
An inspector calls: a critical evaluation By Wiktor Wojdyla In this evaluation I will be looking at two contrasting characters in “An inspector calls” and how J.B. Priestly uses that to make us feel sympathetic for them. An inspector calls is a play written in 1945 by J.B. Priestly. It is set at the begging of the 20th century (1900-1915) and has themes surrounding responsibility, class, age and gender differences. There also different types of contrasting characters such as Eric and Sybil…
Explore the ways relationships are presented in “Of Mice and Men” and “An Inspector Calls” Society is not perfect, it never was. So it is not in any way surprising that many people would try to rectify these mistakes, and improve their society. John Steinbeck and J. B. Priestley wanted to just that. They produced works that show the effects of these mistakes if they are not rectified, in hope of raising awareness about society 's own impurities. Two of these works are "Of Mice and Men" and…