: Arlie Hochschild’s Theories on Labor With the job market becoming increasingly competitive, the interactions between an employee and their customers, clients, or colleagues continue to have a substantial impact on how successful they will be in their field of work. As the role of the employee changes, workers will be required to complete certain tasks that they may not have initially expected. Arlie Hochschild, one of the major sociologists associated with symbolic-interaction theory, speaks about the employee’s changing role. In her book The Managed Heart: Commercialization of Human Feeling, Hochschild expands upon Karl Marx’s thoughts from Das Kapital by analyzing a unique conundrum that employees face when…
The topic of emotional labour was largely unexplored when Arlie R. Hochschild introduced the term in The Managed Heart, published in 1983. Her book is probably the most quoted work with regards to service work and emotional labour. Since then her work has been used widely in fields from psychology, organizational behaviour, law, nursing, business and public administration to the social sciences in general and sociology in particular. This introduction is to briefly review Hochschild’s ideas.…
enriching network. But, being more relaxed, less competitive, more reflective, slower to anger, I found myself, at times, too relaxed and laid-back and maybe I did not reach the uppermost of my career. But, I do have a healthy heart and awesome blood pressure. In the end, I love myself and my personality, laid back, joyful and taking the time to watch the grass grow and sipping a glass of wine. Not Taking Time Off to Refresh Attendance, being present, is serious for a leader, hence leading by…
1. Welcome/introductions/administrative things/agenda. Establish rapport. 2. Open questions about education and training received. Probe business analysis qualifications – subjects covered and level. 3. Open questions about previous jobs. How much was business analysis and how much systems analysis. Reasons for leaving. 4. Open questions about interests, personal circumstances. 5. Our company, the IS/IT function, our job, our expectations, and challenges. 6. Anything…
psychotic than a person who hoards money." As I sat there listening to my rich dad, my mind was flashing back to the countless times my own dad said, "I'm not interested in money." He said those words often. He also covered himself by always saying, "I work because I love my job." "So what do we do?" I asked. "Not work for money until all traces of fear and greed are gone?" "No, that would be a waste of time," said rich dad. "Emotions are what make us human. Make us real. The word `emotion'…
Procter & Gamble, Disney, Nordstrom, Wal-Mart, Milliken & Company, McDonald’s, Marriott Hotels, American Airlines, and several Japanese (Sony, Toyota, Canon) and European companies (IKEA, Club Med, Nokia, ABB, Marks & Spencer). These companies focus on the customer and are organized to respond effectively to changing customer 13 14 CHAPTER 1 MARKETING IN THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY needs. They all have well-staffed marketing departments, and all of their other…
me anything.’ ” The innovation was that the whole team did • 526 Part 5 Integrating Cases it together. Although the sample size was fewer than 300 employees, the early results were promising. Turnover in the first three months of employment fell from 14 percent to zero, job satisfaction rose 10 percent, and their team-performance scores rose 13 percent. When Jody Thompson, who then led Best Buy’s “organizational change” initiatives, heard about Ressler’s work, she pushed the…