The justification behind the concept of punishment takes many different forms. In Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter, the primary rationale behind the Puritans’ punishment of Hester Prynne, the accused adulteress, is retributive, in proportional to the nature of the transgression. The Puritans intend their punishment of ostracism and forced visibility of the letter “A” to match Hester’s crime of adultery by shaming her with a sense of damnation. However, ironically this punishment brings an unintended redemption, one that consists of Hester being able to accept her sin and live a guiltless life. Under this, the office of the scarlet letter ultimately fails in retributive punishment, instead redeeming Hester from her burdening sin. The Puritans’ selfish nature, coupled with the pretence that their acts are righteous, is the main reason behind their initial harsh treatment of Hester. When Hester is first let out of prison and put on the scaffold for the crime of adultery, the Puritans are angry and critical of her, believing that she “has brought shame upon [them] all” and that she “ought to die” (46). The disgusted diction of “shame” and “die” emphasize the Puritans’ conviction that Hester’s sole action has affected the whole community, and not just herself. The concept that Hester is responsible for the dooming of the community’s image emphasizes the Puritans’ selfishness, as they choose to simply shame her and ostracize her from the community, instead of taking any helpful…
In the today’s world of the high technology workplace and business environment there are several factors that need to be considered when designing a computer network. Integrity and vulnerability of data, cost of the network itself, accessibility, flexibility for expansion and ability to support the consumer. Other factors that should be considered when setting up a network include: What is the purpose of the network, what are the bandwidth requirements to efficiently operate the network and…
I will be writing about feminism. I’m going to explain what feminism is, how it relates to The Scarlet Letter, why it is important, Hawthorne’s view of women in the book, whether or not Hawthorne portrays women accurately, and will be providing specific examples from the book to support my analysis. Women have been discriminated against from the very beginning in my beliefs. It started out with Adam and Eve; Eve took the first bite of the apple not Adam. Now I’m not saying God is feminist but…
Nathaniel Hawthorne in his gothic romance novel, The Scarlet Letter (1850), depicts the life and the hypocrisy of the Puritan communities in the colonial days. In the novel, protagonist Hester Prynne must wear a scarlet A on her bosom to mark the guilt adulterous sin she committed with Arthur Dimmesdale, a Puritan minister, while her thought-to-be long gone husband, Roger Chillingworth, is on the hunt to seek revenge. Hawthorne’s use of dramatic irony builds suspense and tension as he divulges…
In a society of neutral colors, the child dressed all in scarlet and gold appeared to be an alien in a foreign land. As she pranced through the cemetery with her mother, also wearing the colors of scarlet and gold, the daughter stood as a reminder of the adultery that the mother had committed. The daughter, Pearl, and the mother, Hester Prynne, are characters in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter, a novel about sin and how people deal with the after effects of sin. Hawthorne uses Hester…
Bapsi Sidhwa’s novel tells the story of the violence leading up to the 1947 Partition of India and its aftermaths. The novel focuses on the division of British India into two separate countries, India and Pakistan, and tells the story of this event through the eyes of a young Parsee girl named Lenny. Lenny is just a child at this time, and she must watch in horror as her country falls and a very large religious divide occurs between Hindus, Muslims, and Sikhs in India. We are able to see the…
Scarlet Letter: a story of sin, shame, and eventual vindication. This narrative, taking place in a conservative and rigid Puritan Society, shows various characters handle guilt, vengeance, and alienation, with the strange and eerie image of a scarlet letter. As the novel progresses, the Scarlet letter, in all of its embodiments, becomes a burning symbol of the guilt of the protagonist. The humiliation and shame brought by it become a part of Hester Prynne’s punishment and repentance; because of…
In the novel , The Scarlet Letter, written by Nathaniel Hawthorne, the symbol of the letter “A” changes due to feminist ideas from adultery, to able, to angel, and finally to the independence of her daughter. Body 1 Hester was forced to wear a scarlet letter “A” on her chest to show that she had committed adultery. The scarlet letter is a sign of her sin, so that everyone is able to see and judge her for what she did. Women in this town were expected to follow strict rules and be very religious.…
In a society that was intolerant, simplistic and religious, there was a woman who had violated one of the major beliefs in which the town’s members believed in. Hester Prynne committed the sin of adultery with the minister of the town and had a child while still being married to her long, lost husband. As a punishment of this sin, Hester has to stand in front of the whole town on a scaffold while holding her baby, Pearl, as described in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s novel, The Scarlet Letter. Hawthorne…
The Scarlet Letter, written by Nathaniel Hawthorne displays how one sin can ruin the lives of many. His purpose is to show how holding in a sin and not being truthful can haunt you and lead to your end. Hawthorne uses several rhetorical device to convey this message, including: antithesis, anaphora, and metaphor. Throughout the text, antithesis is commonly used, especially comparing life and death. For example, Dimmesdale states “Many, many poor soul hath given its confidence to me, not only…