Regulatory Disasters and Response Regulatory frameworks sometimes fail. It’s a fact. Life, its participants, and the society we create in a state is far too complex for laws and regulations to work or to be conducted as intended every time. But by no means does this permit the failure of regimes. Quite the opposite; for the acceptance of failure brings with it a realisation to implement laws and regulations with the utmost care, and to learn from past mistakes- and there has been huge ones. One such example is the leaky homes crisis in New Zealand. The passing of the Building Act 1991 brought about over 11 billion dollars of damage and counting, due to its movement in stance to that of a more self regulating framework for builders and councils. It is still a huge ongoing problem. More recently, the Novopay payroll system has cost taxpayers over 45 million dollars to fix the enormous problems within it. Thousands of teachers were underpaid, overpaid, or not paid at all for months or years at a time. With this in mind, it is obviously incredibly important is that we learn from…
It seems that everywhere we turn there is some sort of advertisement for food: on billboards, in magazines, and on the televisions that adults and young children watch daily. Food companies have integrated their products into television entertainment and commercials, opening up a now expansive industry, but not without controversy trailing close behind. One major contention revolves around food advertisements on television targeted towards children. Closely related is the epidemic of childhood…
Regulations and Laws on Tobacco Smoking Throughout Merchants of Doubt there are many subjects that are presented. The authors are very clear about how they feel about these topics. Many who read the book either strongly agree with what they believe or strongly disagree, and there are all those in between. One topic that is of interest to many is tobacco smoking and whether it really is harmful for your health. The authors are clear that they believe that smoking tobacco is dangerous and needs to…
In examining the social bottom line, we have considered our ethical obligation to our consumers, but we should also remove the self-interested lens of ethical egoism and consider our ethical obligation to societal moral rules and the law. While proceeding to distribute at-home reports in spite of the FDA may not necessarily break the law, it disrespects the authority of a government agency dedicated to protecting the public’s health. Ignoring the FDA is a deviation from the norms that have been…
Regulation, in its broadest implication, represents all the rules of order enforced by a presumed administration of government, with regard to the practices of those under the government 's control. Historically, many regulations prescribed by oppressive autocratic leaderships have caused sequences of misery and torment for the ruled. Granting all this, the fate of Spain in particular, took a dramatic yet positive turn in the early 700s when Muslim forces invaded and reigned over the Iberian…
The agent-principal relationship is between Congress (the principal) and the independent Agency (the agent), as Posner argues: one is delegation of authority by legislatures to administrative agencies. As mentioned earlier, legislatures cannot continuously regulate a complex area; they must delegate much of the regulatory function either to courts or to administrative agencies. In the area of economic regulation the legislative choice has generally been the administrative agency rather than…
Interview: Welfare Regulation When I asked my mother, Deann Bodkin, about a contemporary issue that she had a strong opinion of, she was unable to answer right away. Not being an opinionated person, she had to spend some time reflecting on her values. She realized that she had an opinion on welfare in the United States and was 'for' the regulation of welfare. My mother held a strong belief that even though not all people on welfare abuse the government assistance that they are granted, many…
There are various applications one can download onto their smartphones that allow the user to encrypt all outgoing and incoming messages. By doing this, drug dealers are able to conduct business with little risk of being caught or stopped by law enforcement. An article written on BrisbaneTimes by Kristian Silva talks about a mobile application called Wickr, stating that “Wickr messages are encrypted and can be erased by the sender once they have been read. The messages are also wiped from Wickr…
The definition according to Patterson of economy is “ a system of production and consumption of goods and services that are allocated through an exchange ”(Patterson.2013,p.384). The economy is then driven by the consumers demand for certain products and services. As the consumer demand increases for the products or services provided many providers attempt to reduce use of resources in an attempt to keep prices low and attractive consumers. This is known as economic efficiency which is a firm’s…
Many argue that freedom of speech and constitutional rights protect those who use the web and that is exactly what fought Stop Online Piracy Act, also known as SOPA, in 2012. Those who protested SOPA had a good reason to, it limited the freedom of speech on the web, but many bills that put regulations on the internet also reap many benefits, Currently there are less that 50 laws that have censorship components that relate to the internet. To put that in comparison, in 2012 alone, 40,000 laws…