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6 Cards in this Set

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What is GDPR 2018?

General Data Protection Act 2018

What is the DPA 2018

Data Protection Act 2018

What is the ICO?

Information Commissioner’s Office

What is a data controller?

A person or organisation that stores or processes personal information, either on paper or electronically.

Give examples of personal information?

Examples include- name, address, telephone number

National Insurance or passport number

Location data such as from GPS on smartphone

Health data

Facial images or fingerprints

Ethnic origin

Sexual orientation

To name a few

Under GDPR what rights do individuals have in relation to their own personal information?

-the right to be informed about the collection and use of their personal data

-the right to have access to their personal data

-the right to have incorrect personal data corrected or completed if it is incomplete

-the right to have personal data erased - but only in certain circumstances

-the right to restrict the processing of their personal data - again, only in certain circumstances

-the right to data portability, so that they can copy or transfer their personal data between different systems, for example, if you have accounts with different banks you may be able to view the details of all of them in a single app

-the right to object to processing of personal data, for example, you can refuse to have your personal data used for direct marketing