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8 Cards in this Set

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List a range of methods used to collect data.

Focus groups

Closed question surveys

Open question surveys



Public data bases, journals & articles

Turn this closed question into an open one- “have you had your “mmr/ tb/ hpv”vaccination?”

“What is your opinion on the …… vaccine?”

Turn this closed question into an open one - “ have you been admitted to hospital for an overnight stay?”

“ what was your experience of an overnight stay in hospital?”

Define prospective cohort study?

A study that takes a group of people and observes them over a period of time.

Give one advantage and one disadvantage of a prospective cohort study?

Advantage - data collection methods can be tailored to the question asked.

Disadvantage - they can take years to complete

Define retrospective cohort study?

They look backwards at data from a group of people over many years.

Give an advantage and a disadvantage of retrospective cohort studies?

Advantage- results can be gathered quickly.

Disadvantage - there is little control of the data collection

Give 3 examples of agencies which collect and publish official statistics.

Office for National Statistics ONS

World Health Organisation WHO

United Kingdom Health Security Agency UKHSA ( formerly Public Health England PHE)