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8 Cards in this Set

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Which body carries out inspections of hospitals and care homes?

The care quality commission CQC

Define duty of care

Means all organisations and practitioners must put the best interests of the individuals using the service first

Define duty of candour?

Means care workers must be open and honest with individuals and families when something goes wrong. They need to be transparent state what happened, apologise and explain fully what went on.

What does escalate mean?

Means to take an issue very seriously and to take further action, usually involving more senior staff members or management

What is safeguarding?

Refers to measures taken to protect people’s health, wellbeing and rights, enabling them to be kept safe from harm, abuse and neglect.

Who may possibly be classed as a vulnerable individual? Can you give examples?

Examples include


Very young

Someone with learning or physical disability

Someone with a sensory impairment

Those who lack mental capacity

Someone in a coma

Define whistleblowing?

Whistleblowing When someone reveals serious wrongdoing within an organisation to an outside authority such as the Care Quality Commission, so that it can be investigated.

Define radicalisation?


Radicalisation is a process by which 'an individual or group adopts increasingly extreme political, social, or religious ideals and aspirations that reject or undermine the status quo or undermines contemporary ideas and expressions of freedom of choice'