Serious Case Study Essay

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The Serious Case Review into the murder of Steven Hoskin revealed weaknesses across each of the agencies in contact with him and those responsible for his abuse and murder.
At the heart of the Serious Case Review were twin uncomfortable and haunting realities.
First, Mr Hoskin was regarded by several agencies not as a vulnerable adult to be protected from abuse and neglect but as a perpetrator of antisocial behaviour and worse. Mr Hoskin had been charged and convicted of assault. He was known to be verbally abusive when drinking. There were complaints from neighbours about noise and worse emanating from his beds it in St Austell. The fact that many agencies knew that Steven was a vulnerable adult with learning disabilities (including:
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Their actions were also designed to ensure that there is better community awareness about vulnerable adults,’ we recognise that local people, neighbours, provide a vital protective function for people with learning disabilities and other vulnerable adults living in the community’ (whether on their own or with their …show more content…
In particular, to develop agreed single agency and multi agency “triggers” for when a multi-agency conference should be convened including: the number of emergency care episodes during a certain period in the NHS; the numbers and severity of complaints from neighbours and/or poor tenancy standards during a specified time frame for social landlords; repeated calls to the police over a specified period of time to any one address or for any one person; repeated referrals to adult social care during a period of time, including concerns about bullying. These procedures should provide each and every agency with their own flowchart as to what to do in specific circumstances – even when there is no evidence of adult protection concerns.
For the APC to approve the policy and procedures for multi agency conferences - and for performance reports to be made available to the APC as part of the routine performance monitoring for adult protection
To introduce training around multi agency conferences as an augmentation to existing adult protection training – ensuring that staff understands that such conferences should take place even when there is not necessarily previous evidence of any adult protection concerns. Such conferences could result in a variety of outputs: adult protection, MAPPA, community safety plans and the provision of

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