Consent In Health And Social Care Essay

Improved Essays
. Explain different ways to support an individual to give informed consent in line with legislation, policies or guidance.

The basis of consent refers to individuals togive permission to undertakemedical treatment, test or examination. Consent can be given verbally or written, for example in nonverbal individual consent can be given as long as they understood that treatment or examination in going to take place, i.e. lifting up a top to allow GP use a stethoscope, reaching out an arm for blood test. Consent divides in three categories
• Voluntary consent for treatment is solely based on individual decision, this must not being influence by anyone involved in individual life.
• Informed individual has being given all the relevant information about treatment, the benefits and the risks and consequences if treatment is refused.
• Capacity individual must
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Explain ways in which healthcare services should make ‘reasonable adjustments’ to ensure that they provide equal access to individuals with learning disability.

Disability Discriminatory Act alongside with the Equal Act gives the legal entitlement to people with learning disability to have access to public services provided by the NHS. They also have a legal duty to ensure they make reasonable adjustment to allow access to people with learning disabilities in the same manner they would with people without disabilities by removing barriers to access health services and make alternation to policies procedures when and if necessary
Information should be deliver in a format that people with learning disabilities can understand, services should work in partnership with families and external agencies, services and staff should have awareness about capacity, consent and advocacy. Service delivery should be follow by follow ups, individuals should be fully involved in the whole process around treatment and care.
5. Explain the work of healthcare services that an individual with learning disabilities may need to

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