Equality Act 2010 Case Study

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The equality act 2010 is there to end discrimination that many individuals may have throughout life. This act protects individuals on the grounds of race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, disability religion or belief also having a baby, being pregnant, marrying or age. Under the equality act 2010 all the law about discrimination will be in one place however will be protected from discrimination like racial or religious discrimination. The act makes it easier for a disable person to show that they find hard to carry out task due to tests. The act states that they should make reasonable changes to buildings and provides aids.
The disability discrimination act 1995 (DDA) was there to end discrimination towards disabled individuals. This was
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This is only possible if they are aware of their rights and know what the rights are. Care organisations should have policies on equal opportunities (Equality Act 2010) because this will ensure that everyone are treated equally and given equal opportunities to do things that they have rights. They should have access to confidentiality and access to records and complaints when it’s appropriate. For example when organisation such as schools, care homes or hospitals has difficulties in communication or they’re unable to read leaflets as they don’t understand can stop the service users accessing the services. In order to help them they should provide leaflets and translate them into different languages to suit individual’s needs and also they can provide braille to give the equal access to blind …show more content…
Some of the protected characteristics are; age, gender, disability, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy, reassignment, maternity, race, belief, religion or sex. Affirmative action is taken with regard to physical access to information. It allows promoting equal opportunities, under the Equality Act 2010 it requires organisations to take positive affirmative actions in order to stop discrimination from occurring. They can stop this buy putting physical aids in place such as ramps, lifts, disabled toilets and changing facilities to an individual’s adjustment. Health and social care services such as care homes improved the facilities to increase the access to the service and provide suitable information for the disable individual which with help them. In care home they can encourage all service users to participate in activities and she staff should have appropriate activities that the can take part in. they can plan activities for the disable service user which will make them feel treated equally and their needs will be met. Some adjustments that could be made in a care home if a disabled patient is have wide doors so wheel chairs can go through, they should have ramps of lifts so they can easily go on different floors without any barriers. If a service user is blind or deaf they should have resources that they can use

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