The first is delays, which are pauses or hesitations in the conversation. They can also use prefaces which are hedges like uh or well. The third option is the use of palliatives which is thanking someone before turning them down, or apologizing before saying no. For example if someone were to ask you to go to the movies you would respond, not today, tomorrow. The last non-sexual refusal is accounts. An account is providing someone with an explanation or excuse for why they are saying no. It is typical that women are taught to use these types of refusals instead of being forthright. The big problem with these refusals are often in court the defense lawyer will claim that the woman did not say no directly, so she will be blamed for the assault. Men are taught that if you ask a woman over and over again eventually she will say …show more content…
Considering in our technology-dominated society that a majority of people subscribe to one or more social media sites, the platform for a campaign to raise awareness was formed. Drawing out a four-tiered platform, UK SASH (University of Kentucky Students Against Sexual Assault) chose Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, & Pinterest, some of the current most popular social media sites to enact our campaign. Each member was responsible for creating one of these tiers with the intent of linking all of them together for maximum