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10 Cards in this Set

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What is the purpose of hand washing?

To remove or destroy and bacteria picked up on the hands

What was the familiar logo associated with the start of the Covid -19 pandemic, which encouraged people to take precautions ?

Hands, face, space logo from the NHS

Define cross infection.

Where infection is passed from one person to another which occurs when microbes are passed between them

What is cross contamination?

Where food is contaminated by contact with another food. Eg raw with cooked foods

Which 3 pieces of Legislation do we particularly link to infection prevention and control?

Health & Safety at Work Act 1974

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health COSHH Regulations 2002

Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences 2013 ( RIDDOR)

Give 3 examples of reportable infectious diseases under RIDDOR.

Some Examples include-




Food poisoning

Scarlet fever


Viral hepatitis



Whooping cough

The Ayliffe hand washing technique developed in 1960’s, was adopted by hospitals and the WHO in what year?


How many points are there on the Ayliffe technique?


To help facilitate effective hygiene healthcare workers should do what?

-cover cuts with waterproof dressings to prevent harmful bacteria that may be present in the cut from being transferred to surfaces, patients or food

-keep their arms bare below the elbow, ie. wear short sleeves or sleeves rolled up to elbows

-remove wrist or hand iewellery (for example, a watch or decorative rings with/without stones).

NB: slim plain rings such as wedding rings may still be worn as they have no crevices to allow an accumulation of bacteria

-keep nails short and clean, as long nails allow build-up of dirt and bacteria not wear nail polish

-avoid acrylic/artificial nails which can harbour micro-organisms.

Besides hand washing what else can staff do to practice good personal hygiene?

Wash own body & hair regularly ( practice personal hygiene)- less chance of body odour

Wear clean uniforms/ clothes- changed daily 2020 NHS guidance suggests changing before leaving work!

Clean teeth- less chance of bad breath

Cover mouth & nose when sneezing- to stop spread of germs

Maintain short clean nails