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5 Cards in this Set

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Why is data articulated?

Used to communucate a number of things to different actors.

To represent things of importance.. content.. but also to represent the intent of communication.. what shoukd be done with the communication.n

Socio-technical systems

It is useful to think of information systems as socio-technical systems...

They are systems if formal cummunication... in the sense that they comprise patterns of communicative action.. communication which gets things done.

Information systems

Information systems mediate between activity systems on the one hand and data systems on the other...

- Data systens are technical or technology systems... patterns of articulating signals or records.

- Activity systems are social systems... patterns of coordinated, instrumental action.

Lessons about information systems.

- Information systems are different from data systems...

- But information systems are necessarily reliiant upon data systems.

- Information systems support coordination in activity systems.

- Information systems are systems of formal communication.

- Information systems acn be expressed as patterns of communicative acts.

- Information systems can be designed in support of coordinated activity.

- Information systems are important to comoetitive advantage... to providing some system of organisation with some advantage of performance over another system of organisation.

Key points.

- Information systems are different from activity and data systems... but coupled with such systems.

- Information systems are sometimes said ro be socio-technical systems.

- They rely on the one hand upon data 'technology' for the making of recirds and the transmission of messages.

- ... and (social) they contribute to the effective coordination of the resources of organisation, people, machines abd other artefacts.

- Information systems are systems of formal comnunication.. essential to effective decision-making.

- The design of effective information systems is critical to the advantage gained by organisation on particular domains.
