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18 Cards in this Set

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What is information?

Information is accomplished within acts of communication.

What is communication?

Consider a simple model of communication...

- A sender has something he/she/it wishes to express..

- S/he codes this using some symbols as a message..

- The message travels as a signal along some communication channel..

- The signal/message is decoded into its constituent symbols by the receiver..

- S/he interprets what is expressed by the sender from this message...

How else do humans communicate?

Humas communicate a great deal through bodily expression...

'A facial expression communicates an emotional state..'

What are the two aspects of a message?

Any message used in communication has two aspects - intent and content

What is thr intent of a message?

The intent of a message establishes its purpose.. what an actor is trying to achieve with communucation.

What is the content of a message?

The content of a message consists of 'things' identified and described.

What is a signs?

A sign is a larger concept than a spoken or written word.. anything used to communicate something is a sign - A sign is something which stands to somebody for some other thing.

A human facial expression is also a sign - the expression tells us something of the inner state of the actor.

Within business signs are used to refer to 'things' of impirtance to the organisation and to describe these 'things'..

What is the term non-arbitrary mean?

Some signs are non- arbitrary meabing that everbody understands what they refer to... But most symbols we use are arbitrary meaning that the same symbol can stand for different things to different actors in different domains of organisation..

What are barcodes?

Barcodes are a much used sign in many different types of organisation.

In a manufacturing or retail domain this symbol could be used to code (refer to) a product and a manufacturer.

The symbol in a barcode is made up of the different sizes of gap between the lines...

What do symbols do?

Symbols more generally are used to do two things ... to identify things ir describe things ...

What do barcides do?

Barcodes typically act as identifiers - referring to some instance of something such as a product or a patient

Why do we use signs?

We use signs to help us 'chunk up' the world - to classify and categorise things.

This means that the signs we use are important to determining how we act or what we do in relation to things...

What is the intent of communication?

To get things done... to help people, machines and other artefacts coordinate action.

Much communication is not done through the medium of speech, but through physical documents.. email, or electronic document transfer.

What is a communicative act?

A communicative act is desgined by the sendor of some message to infulence the action of the receiver of the message - to get things done

What are the types of communucative act?

- Assertive : Express the belief by the sender that the content of the message is true. So actors may assert something that has happened or is happening.

- Directive : Attempt to influence receiver action through some message. Any communivation in which some direct response is required from the receiver of the message.

- Commisive : Commit a sender of some message to the future course of action detailed in the message. So actors may commit themselves or others to something happening.

. So actors may commit themselves or others to something happening.

- Declarative : Messages that change the state of some domain of organisation through the communication itself. When something delared to be the case then it cannot be undone.

- Expressive : Represent the sender's state, feeling or emotion about something. An evaluation of something or someone normally involves the use of expressives.

What is communication for action imoortant?

Communication for action is critically important because it is the catalyst for decision-making... which in turn facilitates coordination

Where do communicative acts take place?

Communucative acts dont occur in isolation.. they take place within the patterns of communication in support of patterns of coordination..

Key points.

- Informatiin is accomplished through acts of communucation.

- Communication is an act of sending and receiving a message.

- Any message has bith content and intent.

- The content of a message refers to and describes things of interest between sender and receiver.

- The intent of a message establishes its purpose.

- Business messages tend to be one of the 5 types of intent ... have 5 types of purpose in relation to coordination.

- Acts of communication occur in patterns.

- Patterns of communucation support patterns of coordinated activity.