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25 Cards in this Set

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What is meant by organisation?

Some system consisting of patterns of action that create value.

Organisation establishes the key context for the application of ICT - ICT is a tool for organisation.

What Value?

Goods and services are classic examples of value created by organisation.

Why are organisations established?

Any system of organisation id established to achieve one or more goals.. which is typically PRODUCE VALUE of some form.

How is value created?

Numerous organisational actors ubdertaking coordinated activity transform value in various ways.

What do we call each system of coordination?

An activity system.

What helps coordinate activity?

To help coordinate activity people and machines have to communicate through the accomplishment of information.

What is the common communication throughout data structures?

Communication occurs through data structures acting as messages or as records... which are read and made sense of by people and machines.

Goronwy Galvanising : Data example.

The data needed by people working within Goronwy orginally consisted of three paper documents..

- The delivery advice details what batches have been delivered on a given truck to Goronwy...

- A job sheet produced for each unloaded batch details conforming (for galvanising) and non-conforming (for return) material...

- A dispatch advice details the galvanised batches to be returned to customers...

Goronwy Galvanising : Information example.

The differences made upon a data structure... such as a dispatch advice... inform people about significant things...

This 'information' enables them to coordinate their joint activity...

- Articulation

Production clerk creates dispatch advice

- Communication

This articulation of advice is communicated to Outboubd logistics operative - directing him to (Load batches X for cutomer Y on truck Z)

- Coordination

This articulation and communication has enabled the Outbounf logistics operative to coordinate activities (load batches etc) Taking action

What are information systems?

Activity systems therefore rely on information systems... and information systems in turn rely upon data systems... BOTH RELY ON EACH OTHER.

An information system is a system of communication between one or more actors and is used to help coordinate the actions of such actors working in different places at different times.

Importance of informatoon systems.

Whenever people try to coordonate activity they inherently establish an information system - we have had information systems for thousands of years... but using differnet technologies.

What do information systems sit between?

Information systems sit between technical systems articulating data and systems which coordinate activity.

Goronwy Galvanising : Information system example

The systems and patterns of communication underlies the system or pattern of activity for Goronwy.

It consists of people or data structures asserting things that exist, directing people to do things, promising (committing) to do things and declaring that sometging has happened..

What is infrastructure within organisation?

It is useful to think of organisation as consisting of an infrastructure of systems ...

- Vetically, we can think of systems of activity reliant on systems of communication, which in turn are reliant upon systems of representation (ariculation).

- Horizontally, we can think of organisation as sets of inter-related activity, information and data systems...

This idea of infrastructure allows us why change through ICT is not always easy as it seems... and why changing what you do or communicate about inherntly demands change to ICT.

Goronwy Galvanising : Infrastructure example.

What is ICT infrastucture?

Most ICT systems are examples of data systems reliant upon computing and communications technology.

ICT systmes inter-relate within ICT infrstructure.

ICT infrstructure is critical to modern commhnucation.. but when it goes wrong things can seriously haooen within organisations.

Goronwy Galvanising : ICT example.

ICT is effectively a way of throwing technology at articulating data...

Hence, the Goronwy ICT system allows data to be created quickly and distributed efficiently to many different people across the plant...

What does digital innovation rely upon?

Digital innovation relies upon the capacity of information and commubication trchonologies to improve data systems...

Such improvements in data handing allow organisations to conduct commication more efficiently and more effectively

What does digital innovation and improvement in data handling allow?

Such improvements in data handing allow organisations to conduct commication more efficiently and more effectively...

And to do thjngs differently in relation to coordination activity.

What does digital innovation allow?

To suggest the importance of thinking of business as desgin.

How is data delivered between organisations?

Much value is delivered electronically as data within and between particular organisations.

What is digital society?

It is becomjng increasingly difficult to act as an individual in modern society without access to ICT infrastructure.

What is digital economy?

Economic exchange worldwide relies upon ICT infrstructure.

What is digital polity?

What ut means to be a citizen of modern nation state is increasingly reliant upon ICT infrastructure.

Washup - Key points

- Start by looking at what organisation means in system terms.

- This leads us to indenify the coordination of activity as a key problem that all organisations face.

- Effective communication relies upon effective communucation... so we consider wht information means as communication.

- To communicate something we must make differneces within some substance... this is the essence of data.

- Information systems have beeb around for many of thousands of years... ICT has only 50 or so years of application within information systems.

- The place of ICT can only be understood in relation to wider organisation infrastructure.

- Digital innovation relies upon doing things differently eithin ICT.

- ICT is critically embedded in modern economy, society and poilty.