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95 Cards in this Set

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Connective tissue is the most diverse type of tissue in the body and is composed of: fibrous material only, few cells and much extracellular material, acellular gelatinous substance, numerous cells with little intercellular tissue

few cells interspersed in large amounts of amorphous extracellular material called ground substance

areolar connective tissue is AKA: mineralized, dense, loose, specialized

loose or areolar connective tissue is widely distributed throughout the body, providing structural support and nourishment for cells and tissues.

connective tissue proper refers to tissue composed of: spongy cancellous and cortical, haline and fibrocartilage, hematopoietic bone marrow, collagen reticulin and elastin.

CNT proper is collagen, reticulin, and elastin. all other choices are specialized connective tissue.

solutions of acid aniline dyes in picric acid are used to demonstrate: reticulin, fibrocartilage, collagen, elastin

collagen: staining of collagen by these mixtures depends on the selectivity of collagen for acid dyes from strongly acid solutions.

in masson trichrome, after staining with Biebrich scarlet-acid fuchsin, sections are differentiated in: 1% HCL in 70% EtOH, dilute acetic acid, phosphomolybdic-phosphotunngstic acid, perchloric acid

phosphomolybdic-phosphotungstic acid.. it allows decolrization of collagen fibers which are subsequently stained with aniline blue.

with the verhoeff-van gieson technique, elastic fibers stain: red to purple, blue-black to black, yellow to brown, blue to blue-green

blue-black to blue with hematoxylin-ferric chloride-iodine solution.

in staining methods for reticulin, potassium permanganate, phosphomolybdic acid, and periodic acid function as: reducers, oxidizers, sensitizers, toners

oxidizers: potassium permanganate in Snook, Foot, and Gomori. phosphomolybdic acid in Wilder technique, and periodic acid is used in the Gridley technique.

the heme of choice for nuclear staining lengthy and acidic trichrome methods is: alum, phosphotungstic acid, chrome-alum, iron

iron-mordanted hematoxylins, such as Weigert's, are generally used for lenghty, acidic procedures because they are resistant to decolorization.

Although the Pas is not a conventional stain for reticulin, under certain conditions, these fibers are PAS positive and they are also: stainable with neutral red, stainable with orcein, argyrophilic, basophilic

argyrophilic: reticular fibers can be demonstrated with silver impregnation methods, using an artificial reducer.

in the verhoeff-van gieson technique for elastic fibers, collagen stains: red, blue, black, yellow

red: collagen stains red with acid fuchsin in the van gieson counterstain. the cytoplasm of muscle cells and other tissue elements stain yellow with the picric acid component of van gieson counterstain.

elastic fibers have an affinity for: sudan, indigo, brazilin, orcein

orcein is a natural dye that elastic fibers have an affinity for.

Select a commonly used for connective tissue procedure that stains collagen blue: massons, van gieson, movat pentachrome, gomori one-step trichrome


in the wilder technique for reticulin, uranyl nitrate acts as a mordant, accentuator, sensitizer, toner

sensitizer: uranyl nitrate acts a sensitizer, apparently forming a metal-organic compound with tissue. in subsequent exposure to silver solution, the sensitizing metal is replaced by silver which is then made visible following reduction.

select the differentiating solution in the Verhoeff-Van Gieson procedure for elastic fibers: Weigert iodine soution, 5% sodium thiosulfate, 2% ferric chloride, acid alcohol.

2% ferric chloride serves first as the mordant, then as an oxidizer, and lastly as a differentiator.

Using the Mallory phosphotungstic acid-hematoxylin (PTAH) method, skeletal muscle striations stain: blue, red, black, yellow

blue: skeletal muscle striations stain blue with a hematoxylin lake..

in the verhoeff-van gieson technique for elastic fibers, the verhoeff staining solution is:

made fresh, aged before use, satisfactory for use indefinitely, satifactory for use up to one month..

made fresh and used immediately or within 24 hours of preparation..

with the Gomori aldehyde fuchsin technique, elastic fibers stain: blue to black, violet purple, reddish brown, bluish green

violet to purple.. Paraldehyde and basic fuchsin combine to form aldehyde fuchsin. aldehyde and fuchsin form schiff bases that color elastic fibers deep violet to purple.

select the tissue component that can be stained by Weigert resorcin-fuchsin, Hart resorcin-fuchsin, or orcino-new fuchsin: reticular, myosin, elastic, collagen..

Elastic fibers.. all the stains listed in the question are elastic tissue stains..

aa phosphotungstic acid hematoxylin solution will ripen naturally over several weeks, but can be ripened for immediate use by adding: potassium permanganate, aluminum sulfate, acetic acid, alcohol

potassium permanganate is well-known oxidizer and can be used to hasten the ripening of phosphotungstic acid-hematoxylin solution.

in silver impregnation techniques, use of improperly cleaned glassware results in:

absence of silver staining, nonselective silver precipitation, inadequate counterstaining, inability to tone

non-selective silver precipitation.. all glassware should be acid-cleaned prior to use in sliver impregnation techniques.

select the methods that use a methenamine solution: Foot-bielschowski, Wilder and Snook, Jones and Gomori, Gridley and Laidlow

Jones and Gomori periodic acid-methenamine silver methods use methenamine silver for demonstrating basement membranes and reticulin. the other procedures use ammoniacal silver solutions.

Kernechtrot, and other dyes of the aminoanthroquinone sodium sulfonate group, are useful counterstains in silver impregnation procedures. Another commonly used dye from this group is: eosin B, Saffron, nuclear fast red, neutral red.

Nuclear fast red. members of this group include Kernechtrot, calcium red, and nuclear fast red. Nuclear fast red dye is mxed with aluminum sulfate mordant for use as a counterstain in numerous staining procedures, particularly in ammoniacal silver procedures for reticulin

an effective counterstain following silver impregnation procedures is: acid fuchsin, aniline blue, picric acid, light green

a light green counterstain gives good contrast with silver-impregnated tissue components.

in silver impregnation methods, gold chloride is used: as a sensitizer, to remove unreduced silver, as a toner, as an accentuator

as a toner: following deposition and reduction of silver, gold chloride is used to tone brown-silver deposits to purple-black deposits of metallic gold. In this process, metallic silver is oxidized to silver ions and gold chloride is reduced to metallic gold. The toning process gives sections better contrast and clarity.

select the color results for elastic fibers stained with the orcinol-new fuchsin technique: blue-black to black, red to reddish brown, blue to blue-green, deep violet tinged with brown

deep violet tinged with brown.

select the oxidizer in the gridley silver impregnation procedure for reticulin fibers: potassium permanganate, chromic acid, periodic acid, phosphomolybdic acid

periodic acid.. all the reagents listed are used as oxidizers in various methods for demonstrating reticulin. Periodic acid is used in the Gridley silver impregnation method.

select the sudanophilic connective tissue component: elastin, reticulin, adipose, cartilage

adipose: sudans are lipid-soluble dyes such as Sudan III, Sudan IV, and Sudan black B. Adipose tissue has an affinity for these dyes because the dyes are more soluble in fat than they are in the solvent in which the staining solution is prepared.

a malignant neoplasm of connective tissue origin is classified as a/an: carcinoma, sarcoma, adenoma, leiomyoma

Sarcoma refers to a malignant neoplasm of connective tissue origin.

the histological feature is unique to cardiac muscle: cross striations, peripherally located nuclei, intercalated discs, non-branching fibers

Cardiac muscle has intercalated discs, which represent the junctions between individual muscle fibers.

a modified connective tissue structure which nourishes and supports epithelial cells is called: plica circularis, muscularis mucosa, adventitia, basement membrane

Basement Membrane is modified connective tissue that provides structural support to epithelial cells, as well as to muscle fibers and peripheral nerves. It also allows substances, such as nutrients and wastes, to diffuse between cells and capillaries in underlying connective tissue.

a regressive staining method for demonstrating connective tissue is: verhoeff van-gieson, mallory aniline blue, masson trichrome, wilder reticulum

in the Verhoeff Van-Gieson technique for elastic fibers, tissue is first and overstained with hematoxylin-ferric chloride-iodine solution. Excess stain is then removed by differentiation with a dilute ferric chloride solution.

a substance that has the ability to bind silver in solution and reduce it to a metallic form is said to be: argyrophilic, argentaffin, polychromatic, metachromatic

argentaffin,: a substance that fives a positive argetaffin reatction can reduce silver ions to a visible metallic state without the aid of an extraneous reducing agent. argentaffin substances include enterochromaffin cells, melan, and chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla

An argyrophil method used for demonstrating carcinoid tumors is the: Fontana-Masson, gomori-burtner, grimelius, Weigert iron hematoxylin

The grimelius procedure requires an external reducer, making it an argyrophil method. The fontana-masson and gomori-burtner procedures are argentaffin techniques for demonstrating secretory granules in carcinoid tumors.

Select the method that stains elastic tissue brown: acid orcein, hart resorcin-fuchsin, gomori aldehyde fuchsin, verhoeff-van gieson

acid orcein stains elastic fibers dark brown. Resorcin-fuchsin stains them blue-black to black; aldehyde fuchsin, violet to purple, and verhoeff-van gieson black.

The Mallory aniline blue techniques uses acid fuchsin and an aniline blue-orange G-phosphotungstic acid combination to stain: reticulin, muscle, elastin, collagen

collagen: The mallory aniline blue technique is used to identify collagen fibrils..

a method used to decrease the tendency to loosen from slides when placed in silver solution is that of: increasing silver concentration, increasing time in sensitizer, colloidinizing the sections, increasing alkalinity of the silver..

Colloidinizing the sections: after depar and dehydration through absolute alcohol, sections can be coated with a dilute celloidin solution and hardened in 80% alcohol to prevent sections from floating off slides in subsequent procedures.

the oxidizer used in Snook's method for reticulum is: periodic acid, chromic acid, potassium permanganate, phosphomolybdic acid

potassium permanganate is the oxidizer used in snook's method.

from this list, the best tissue to be used as a control for reticular fiber demonstration is: heart, uterus, lymph node , adrenal

Lymph node..

a solvent that is used in oil red O and sudan black B solutions to prevent loss of lipids during fat staining is: isopropanol, 70% ethanol, acetone-ethanol, propylene glycol

propylene glycol is used as the solvent for fat stains and there is no loss of tissue lipid. the other solvents mentioned may result in some lipid tissue loss.

a solvent that is used in oil red O and sudan black B solutions to prevent loss of lipids during fat staining is: isopropanol, 70% ethanol, acetone-ethanol, propylene glycol

propylene glycol is used as the solvent for fat stains and there is no loss of tissue lipid. the other solvents mentioned may result in some lipid tissue loss.

cytoplasmic granules in connective tissue mast cells stain well with: tol blue, eosin, phloxine, orange G

Toluidine blue

CNT tissue intermediate:The amorphous transparent gel-like material that forms the bulk of extracellular content in connective tissue is known as:

a. basal lamina

b. lamina propria

c. mesenchyme

d. ground substance

THE CORRECT ANSWER IS "D." Ground substance consists of macromolecular compounds known as glycosaminoglycans, some of which are complexed with protein (proteoglycans).

Select the procedure suitable for demonstrating secretory granules in a carcinoid tumor:

a. Wilder reticulum

b. PAS-aniline blue

c. Snook

d. Sevier-Munger

THE CORRECT ANSWER IS "D." The Sevier-Munger technique is an excellent argyrophil procedure for demonstrating carcinoid tumors. It is similar to, but shorter than, the Grimelius.

Two eosinophilic tissue components that may be difficult to distinguish morphologically are:

a. elastic and skeletal muscle

b. cartilage and ground substance

c. collagen and smooth muscle

d. peripheral nerve and cardiac muscle

THE CORRECT ANSWER IS "C." Collagen-producing cells (fibroblasts) may be similar in appearance to smooth muscle cells, such as in a fibroma versus a leiomyoma. A Masson trichrome stain is useful for making this distinction.

Muscle that histologically contains cytoplasmic cross-striations and has nuclei located at the edge of the fibers is classified as:

a. smooth

b. visceral

c. skeletal

d. cardiac

THE CORRECT ANSWER IS "C." Skeletal muscle consists of broad, cylindrical muscle fibers that have cytoplasmic cross-striations and multiple nuclei placed at the edge of the fibers.

The phosphotungstic acid-hematoxylin (PTAH) stain is useful for demonstrating:

a. edema fluid

b. muscle striations

c. ground substance

d. reticulin net

THE CORRECT ANSWER IS "B." The PTAH technique stains cross-striations of skeletal muscle blue.

During ammoniacal silver impregnation techniques, tissue sections have a tendency to wash off slides because of:

a. acidity of the silver solution

b. alkalinity of the silver solution

c. concentration of toner

d. temperature of silver solution

THE CORRECT ANSWER IS "B." Tissue sections may float off slides during ammoniacal silver impregnation techniques due to alkalinity of the silver solution.

The hematoxylin-basic fuchsin-picric acid method is a technique sometimes used to demonstrate early changes of ischemia in:

a. smooth muscle

b. cardiac muscle

c. visceral muscle

d. skeletal muscle

THE CORRECT ANSWER IS "B." It is believed that an unstable protein complex is responsible for differential staining that results in affected cardiac muscle fibers being colored red, while normal and frankly ischemic myocardium stain yellow. This allows detection of early changes of a myocardial infarction that are not visible with H&E.

The function of potassium permanganate in the phosphotungstic acid hematoxylin (PTAH) method is thought to be that of a:

a. sensitizer

b. mordant

c. differentiator

d. dye-trapping agent

THE CORRECT ANSWER IS "D." Potassium permanganate is thought to function as a dye-trapping agent. Cell-membrane permeabilities are believed to be involved in determining which cells retain or lose potassium permanganate following treatment with oxalic acid.

Select the fixative that is suitable for either the Heidenhain aniline blue (azan) or Mallory aniline blue stains:

a. Orth

b. 10%NBF

c. Zenker

d. absolute ethanol

THE CORRECT ANSWER IS "C." Mallory aniline blue stain requires Zenker fixation. Zenker's, Kelly's, Bouin's, or Carney's are suitable fixatives for the Heidenhain method.

In the Weigert stain for fibrin, the principle coloring agent is:

a. periodic acid

b. crystal violet

c. Ponceau-fuchsin

d. phosphotungstic hematoxylin

THE CORRECT ANSWER IS "B." In this Weigert stain, fibrin retains a crystal violet-iodine complex after differentiation in xylene-aniline oil, and is colored violet.

Staining simple fats with lipid-soluble dyes depends on:

a. Van der Waals forces

b. physical processes

c. hydrogen bonds

d. Brownian morion

THE CORRECT ANSWER IS "B." Lipid-soluble dyes are more soluble in fat than in the dye solvent in which the staining solution is prepared. The dyes will preferentially move from the stain solvent to tissue fat, a physical process.

When using the Gomori one-step trichrome stain to distinguish muscle fibers from collagen, collagen stains:

a. yellow

b. green

c. black

d. red

THE CORRECT ANSWER IS "B." Collagen fibers specifically bind with tungstate ions, which then combine with fast green.

Tissue composed of a network of bony trabeculae separated by interconnecting bone marrow spaces describes:

a. conical bone

b. woven bone

c. compact bone

d. cancellous bone

THE CORRECT ANSWER IS "D." Cancellous or spongy bone is found in the central or medullary cavity of bones, while compact or cortical bone forms the hard walls of the bone shaft. Woven bone refers to immature bone that has bundles of collagen fibers running in various directions.

In Foot's modification of the Bielschowski silver method and the Snook and Laidlow techniques for reticular fibers, the oxidizer is:

a. periodic acid

b. phosphomolybdic acid

c. potassium permanganate-sulfuric acid

d. potassium permanganate

THE CORRECT ANSWER IS "D." All the reagents listed are oxidizers used in various methods for demonstrating reticulin. Potassium permanganate is used in the procedures listed in the question.

An infrequently used histopathologic stain for demonstrating lipids is:

a. Bauer-Feulgen

b. osmium tetroxide

c. Alzarin red S

d. Lillie's safranin O

THE CORRECT ANSWER IS "B." Osmium tetroxide is soluble in lipids, forming a black reduction compound that makes them visible.

A method for distinguishing muscle, elastic fibers, and collagen/reticular fibers is:

a. Movat pentachrome

b. Mallory aniline blue

c. Lillie allochrome

d. Mallory PTAH

THE CORRECT ANSWER IS "A." In the Movat pentachrome method, muscle is colored red by woodstain scarlet-acid fuchsin, elastic fibers are colored dark purple to black by resorcin-fuchsin, and collagen and reticular fibers are stained yellow by alcoholic saffron.

Because of the selectivity of collagen fibers for a specific hydrogen ion concentration with acid aniline dye-picric acid mixtures, demonstrating them necessitates:

a. low pH staining solution

b. high pH staining solution

c. ethanol as the dye solvent

d. oxalic acid in the dye solution

THE CORRECT ANSWER IS "A." An acidic pH is necessary for selective staining of collagen fibers, and is provided by saturated picric acid, which also functions to stain muscle and cell cytoplasm.

Because of the selectivity of collagen fibers for a specific hydrogen ion concentration with acid aniline dye-picric acid mixtures, demonstrating them necessitates:

a. low pH staining solution

b. high pH staining solution

c. ethanol as the dye solvent

d. oxalic acid in the dye solution

THE CORRECT ANSWER IS "A." An acidic pH is necessary for selective staining of collagen fibers, and is provided by saturated picric acid, which also functions to stain muscle and cell cytoplasm.

To prevent further reduction of unreacted silver to metallic silver in the presence of light during silver procedures, sections should be treated with:

a. uranyl nitrate

b. gold chloride

c. chromic acid

d. sodium thiosulfate

THE CORRECT ANSWER IS "D." Treating tissue sections with sodium thiosulfate removes unreacted silver which, if left, may react nonspecifically with light.

To achieve the desired intensity of purple when using the Gomori aldehyde fuchsin stain for elastic tissue, paraldehyde should be:

a. aged

b. fresh

c. chilled

d. heated

Paraldehyde increases the depth of color by linking with basic fuchsin to form aldehyde fuchsin. It should be used fresh, from a bottle or vial that has not been previously opened.

A commonly used reducing agent in diamine silver procedures for reticulin demonstration is:

a. formalin

b. hydroquinone

c. pyridine

d. pyrogallol

THE CORRECT ANSWER IS "A." Formalin is used as the reducer in diamine silver techniques. In the developing process, formalin is oxidized to formic acid and the silver diamine complex is reduced to visible metallic silver.

The PTAH stain is useful in the diagnosis of a rhabdomyosarcoma, as this tumor is a malignant neoplasm of:

a. smooth muscle

b. skeletal muscle

c. epithelium

d. glands

THE CORRECT ANSWER IS "B." The PTAH stain is useful for demonstrating cross striations in a rhabdomyosarcoma, a malignant neoplasm of skeletal muscle.

The PTAH stain is useful in the diagnosis of a rhabdomyosarcoma, as this tumor is a malignant neoplasm of:

a. smooth muscle

b. skeletal muscle

c. epithelium

d. glands

THE CORRECT ANSWER IS "B." The PTAH stain is useful for demonstrating cross striations in a rhabdomyosarcoma, a malignant neoplasm of skeletal muscle.

The reagent used for adjusting the pH to 3.4 in the Gomori trichrome stain solution for muscle is:

a. 1 N HC1

b. NH4OH

c. 1NHNO3

d. 1 N NaOH

THE CORRECT ANSWER IS "D." The pH of Gomori's trichrome stain tends to be lower than 3.4 and should be adjusted by using a weak solution of sodium hydroxide.

The purpose of an acetic acid rinse in the Gomori one-step trichrome is to:

a. differentiate chromatrope 2R and fast green FCF

b. make color shades more transparent

c. permit tungstate ions to bind to collagen

d. facilitate muscle staining with chromotrope 2R

THE CORRECT ANSWER IS "B." Following primary staining, an acetic acid rinse acts to make color shades more transparent; it has no differentiating or mordanting action.

The purpose of an acetic acid rinse in the Gomori one-step trichrome is to:

a. differentiate chromatrope 2R and fast green FCF

b. make color shades more transparent

c. permit tungstate ions to bind to collagen

d. facilitate muscle staining with chromotrope 2R

THE CORRECT ANSWER IS "B." Following primary staining, an acetic acid rinse acts to make color shades more transparent; it has no differentiating or mordanting action.

Select the proteins that form the thick and thin filaments of skeletal muscle fibers:

a. fibrin and fibrinogen

b. collagen and tropocollagen

c. actin and myosin

d. thrombin and prothrombin

THE CORRECT ANSWER IS "C." The contractile unit of skeletal muscle, a sarcomere, is made up of thick filaments containing myosin and thin filaments containing actin.

Microscopic examination of a skeletal muscle section recently stained with PTAH, reveals very pale pink staining of the collagen. A likely cause of this unsatisfactory staining is:

a. too strong oxalic acid

b. overoxidi zed PTAH

c. prolonged water and alcohol rinses

d. failure to postmordant in Zenker fluid

THE CORRECT ANSWER IS "C." Collagen, which should color brownish-red with phosphotungstic acid, may lose its color when exposed to water or prolonged alcohol rinses.

In the Jones and Gomori methenamine silver techniques for basement membranes, sections are oxidized with:

a. potassium permanganate

b. chromic acid

c. lithium carbonate

d. periodic acid

THE CORRECT ANSWER IS "D." Periodic acid is the oxidizer for the Jones and Gomori methods for basement membranes.

This tissue serves as a good control for elastic tissue stains because of its prominent elastic tissue component:

a. lung

b. kidney

c. spleen

d. liver

THE CORRECT ANSWER IS "A." Elastic fibers are a prominent connective tissue component of lung parenchyma.

This tissue serves as a good control for elastic tissue stains because of its prominent elastic tissue component:

a. lung

b. kidney

c. spleen

d. liver

THE CORRECT ANSWER IS "A." Elastic fibers are a prominent connective tissue component of lung parenchyma.

A leiomyoma is a benign tumor commonly found in the:

a. bone

b. uterus

c. liver

d. spleen

THE CORRECT ANSWER IS "B." The uterus is a common site for benign tumors of smooth muscle known as leiomyomas.

The elastic stain that performs well after any fixative, gives intense black staining of coarse fibers, must be differentiated microscopically, and gives permanent results with little fading is the:


b. Verhoeff

c. Weigert

d. Masson

THE CORRECT ANSWER IS "B." This question describes the Verhoeff-Van Gieson method for elastic fibers.

The elastic stain that performs well after any fixative, gives intense black staining of coarse fibers, must be differentiated microscopically, and gives permanent results with little fading is the:


b. Verhoeff

c. Weigert

d. Masson

THE CORRECT ANSWER IS "B." This question describes the Verhoeff-Van Gieson method for elastic fibers.

A section of muscle has been stained with Verhoeff iron hematoxylin and Van Gieson solution. Microscopic examination shows blue-black nuclei, pale pink collagen and unstained muscle fibers. The significance of these results is that the:

a. stain results are as expected

b. ratio of picric acid-basic fuchsin was incorrect

c. picric acid was too dilute

d. section was overstained in iron hematoxylin

THE CORRECT ANSWER IS "C." A saturated aqueous solution of picric acid is needed to produce the desired color reaction when staining muscle yellow and collagen red.

Two controls might be necessary to check the strength of a phosphotungstic acid hematoxylin solution, depending on the purpose of the stain. Select the correct control pair:

a. striated muscle and smooth muscle

b. striated muscle and collagen

c. striated muscle and epithelium

d. striated muscle and brain

THE CORRECT ANSWER IS "D." PTAH can be used to stain striated muscle and brain. In sections of skeletal muscle, striations, nuclei, and fibrin will stain blue; collagen stains reddish-brown. In sections of brain, glial fibers, nuclei, and myelin will stain blue; neurons will be salmon-colored.

On microscopic examination, the control section for a PTAH stain for muscle fibers lacks the proper intensity of blue staining. The appropriate corrective action is to:

a. restain the slides using a new PTAH solution

b. add potassium-permanganate to the PTAH solution

c. submit the slides to the pathologist as they are

d. treat the slides with dilute ammonia water

THE CORRECT ANSWER IS "A." Pale blue staining indicates that the PTAH solution has overoxidized and should be completely replaced.

In the Verhoeff-Van Gieson technique for elastic fibers, ferric chloride and iodine in the Verhoeff solution function initially as mordants, and then as:

a. neutralizers

b. differentiators

c. sensitizers

d. oxidizers

THE CORRECT ANSWER IS "D." After functioning as mordants, iodine and ferric chloride act as oxidizers to convert hematoxylin to hematein.

An elastic tissue stain that may also be useful for staining beta cells of pancreatic islets is:

a. Orcinol-new fuchsin

b. Weigert resorcin-fuchsin

c. Verheoff-Van Gieson

d. Gomori aldehyde fuchsin

THE CORRECT ANSWER IS "D." Aldehyde and fuchsin form Schiff bases that stain beta cells of pancreatic islets purple.

A delicate three-dimensional connective tissue meshwork that forms the framework of organs, such as the spleen and lymph nodes, is made of:

a. elastic fibers

b. reticular fibers

c. smooth muscle

d. basement membrane

THE CORRECT ANSWER IS "B." Reticular fibers compose the bulk of the framework for cellular organs such as the spleen and lymph nodes. One function of this network is to hold free cells, such as lymphocytes, in place.

The purpose of nonmetallic forceps, acid-cleaned glassware and triple distilled water in silver techniques is to prevent:

a. premature reduction of silver

b. changes in pH of silver solution

c. false negative staining

d. contamination of silver solution

THE CORRECT ANSWER IS "D." Contamination of silver solution by metallic ions present in non-distilled water, dirty glassware, or metal forceps may produce nonselective silver precipitate on tissue sections.

Muscle fibers of the type I class possess more mitochondria than those of the type II class, and demonstrate more positive staining results with oxidative histochemical procedures such as:

a. NADH diaphorase


c. Dopa oxidase

d. Lillie's allochrome procedure

THE CORRECT ANSWER IS "A." Type I muscle fibers possess more mitochondria than type II muscle fibers and show positive staining with several oxidative histochemical procedures one of which is NADH diaphorase.

The sequence of reactions in the Wilder and Snook ammoniacal silver methods for reticulin fibers is:

a. sensitization, oxidation, silver impregnation, reduction

b. oxidation, sensitization, silver impregnation, reduction

c. oxidation, sensitization, reduction, silver impregnation

d. sensitization, silver impregnation, oxidation, reduction

THE CORRECT ANSWER IS "B." The mechanism of staining in most ammoniacal silver procedures is based on an oxidation-reduction reaction. First, the sections are oxidized, then sensitized before exposure to silver solution. Reacted silver is reduced, then toned to produce the final visible, metallic end product.

Select the malignant neoplasm that is of connective tissue origin:

a. adenocarcinoma

b. glioblastoma

c. hepatocellular carcinoma

d. chondrosarcoma

THE CORRECT ANSWER IS "D." A chondrosarcoma is a malignant tumor of cartilage, a specialized type of connective tissue. An adenocarcinoma is a malignant neoplasm forming glands; a glioblastoma is a malignant neoplasm of astrocytes; hepatocellular carcinoma is a primary malignant neoplasm of the liver.

Lymph node is stained with a silver method for reticulin and counterstained in nuclear fast red. After dehydration, there is a film over the entire slide that remains through clearing and coverslipping. The most likely cause is:

a. silver was contaminated by metal forceps

b. nuclear fast red was too concentrated

c. unreacted silver remained on the slide

d. failure to rinse with water after counterstaining

THE CORRECT ANSWER IS "D." An unacceptable film will appear on the slide if it is transferred directly from nuclear fast red to the dehydrating alcohols without rinsing in water first.

Select the reaction represented by this formula:

3Ag° + AuCl----->Au° + 3AgCl

a. production of ammoniacal silver solution

b. formaldehyde reduction of silver ions

c. toning of silver ions by gold chloride

d. removal of unreacted silver by hypo

THE CORRECT ANSWER IS "C." Silver ions (Ag°) react with gold chloride (AuCl) to form silver chloride (AgCl) and gold ions (Au°), the reaction known as "toning."

Select the technique that demonstrates elastic tissue components, while leaving the remainder of the section unstained:

a. resorcin fuchsin


c. orcinol-new fuchsin

d. Verhoeff-Van Gieson

THE CORRECT ANSWER IS "C." The orcinol-new fuchsin technique stains elastic tissue fibers without coloring other tissue elements, such as nuclei, cytoplasm, and collagen.

The density of collagen fibers varies from "loose" to "dense" according to:

a. heredity and sex

b. location and function

c. size of organ

d. age of the individual

THE CORRECT ANSWER IS "B." Distribution of loose and dense connective tissue throughout the body is largely determined by location and function needed. Loose connective tissue, such as lamina propria, carries capillary beds that nourish and join adjacent epithelial and muscle layers. Examples of dense connective tissue include capsules of organs, tendons, and ligaments.

Select the connective tissue cells that are actively involved in wound healing:

a. plasma cells

b. mast cells

c. macrophages

d. fibroblasts

THE CORRECT ANSWER IS "D." Fibroblasts maintain the integrity of connective tissue by a continuous slow turnover of extracellular elements, particularly fibers. Wound healing is included in this function.

A pathologist might choose an ATPase calcium method to demonstrate enzyme activity in:

a. synapses

b. muscle fibers

c. pancreas

d. liver

THE CORRECT ANSWER IS "B." Calcium enzyme histochemical methods use solutions at various pH levels to distinguish muscle fiber types.

A possible cause of improper staining of aldehyde fuchsin prepared by the Gomori formula is:

a. fresh paraldehyde was used

b. dye was not the correct color index

c. hydrochloric acid was used

d. 70% ethanol was used

THE CORRECT ANSWER IS "B." Aldehyde fuchsin made with basic fuchsin that is mainly pararosanilin will give the desired intensity of staining. Aldehyde fuchsin solutions made with basic fuchsin that is mainly composed of rosanilin will not give satisfactory staining results.

Select the most satisfactory stain to demonstrate loss of muscle striations caused by dystrophic change:

a. Masson trichrome

b. Verhoeff-Van Gieson

c. Mallory PTAH

d. Gomori trichrome

THE CORRECT ANSWER IS "C." All procedures listed will demonstrate muscle fibers. PTAH, however, is probably preferred for demonstration of skeletal muscle cross-striations.

Following microscopic examination of an H&E-stained section of kidney tumor, the pathologist requests a stain to aid in determining if tumor has invaded blood vessels. Select the stain that will demonstrate vascular invasion and tumor morphology:

a. periodic acid-methenamine silver (PAM)

b. orcinol-new fuchsin

c. Lillie allochrome

d. Weigert resorcin-fuchsin

THE CORRECT ANSWER IS "D." To demonstrate vascular invasion and tumor morphology, it is preferable to choose a method that will stain vessel walls, elastic fibers in the vessels, and nuclei. Weigert resorcin-fuchsin is the best procedure of the ones listed.

Aldehyde fuchsin generally has stability for:

a. an indefinite time

b. one week at room temperature

c. 3 to 4 months at 4°C

d. up to a year at 4°C

THE CORRECT ANSWER IS "C." Aldehyde fuchsin is generally stable for 3 to 4 months when stored at 4°C.