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50 Cards in this Set

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Which of the following is NOT one of the basic components of emotion identified in the text?
pupil contraction
Ten-year-old Vito tells his friend, “When you notice that your knees knock, your hands sweat, and your stomach is in
knots, then you really get scared.” This statement best illustrates the
James-Lange theory
. According to the Cannon-Bard theory, the experience of an emotion
occurs simultaneously with physiological arousal.
Which theory states that emotion results from the cognitive labeling of our physiological arousal?
When students perceive the arousal that accompanies test-taking as energizing rather than debilitating, they experience
much less anxiety. This is best understood in terms of the
two-factor theory
Activation of the parasympathetic nervous system
slows heart rate and accelerates digestion.
One problem with the use of the polygraph for lie detection is that
anxiety, irritation, and guilt feelings all prompt similar physiological reactivity
Which theory can best explain the results of the experiment in which college men were injected with epinephrine prior
to spending time with either a euphoric or an irritated person?
two-factor theory
Whether we feel angry or depressed in response to a low exam grade depends on whether we attribute the poor grade to
an unfair test or to our own low intelligence. This best illustrates that emotions are influenced by
cognitive appraisal
Which of the following emotional reactions is most likely to precede any conscious thinking?
Compared with men, women would probably be better at
detecting the emotions of two people having a discussion over lunch
. The facial expressions associated with particular emotions are
the same throughout the world
As a member of the diplomatic corps, Alex was given special training in the customs, language, and religions of the
nonindustrialized country where he would be living. However, Alex probably needed little training to correctly interpret
his hosts' expressions of emotion as revealed by their
facial expressions
North Americans are more likely than Japanese citizens to display their feelings openly. This cultural difference best
reflects the American culture's greater emphasis on
Researchers have found that people experience cartoons as more amusing while holding a pen with their teeth than
while holding it with their lips. This best illustrates the
facial feedback effect
In experiments with adult monkeys who were fearful of snakes and their offspring who were not, Susan Mineka
discovered that the younger monkeys developed a fear of snakes through the process of
observational learning
People are most biologically predisposed to learn to fear
Which brain structure has been found to be especially important in learning to fear specific objects?
Experts suggest that an intensely angry person should
take time to let the anger and emotional arousal subside
. After receiving an unexpected A on his psychology test, Jordan was easily persuaded to baby-sit his little sister while his
parents went out for dinner. This best illustrates the
feel-good, do-good phenomenon.
A sense of satisfaction with life is known as
subjective well being
A 21-year-old student undergoing treatment for Hodgkins disease was elated when he learned that he was cancer free.
Although his subsequent day-to-day emotions fluctuated in response to daily events, during the ensuing month, on
average, his emotions
returned to nearly the same level as they were during the month before the good news.
. Research on the well-being of Americans indicates that the
increase in the buying power of Americans over the past 40 years has provided no apparent boost to Americans'
personal happiness.
The adaptation-level phenomenon refers to the tendency for our judgments of objects and events to be heavily
influenced by our
previous experiences
A disturbing implication of the adaptation-level phenomenon is that
seeking happiness through financial security requires ever-increasing wealth.
When the mayor ordered a salary increase for the city's police officers, there was a sudden loss of morale among the
city's firefighters. The firefighters' sudden dissatisfaction best illustrates
relative deprivation.
Research suggests that people experience the most happiness when they are
absorbed in challenging activities
Health psychologists are LEAST likely to focus attention on
the role of bacteria in producing illness
A stressor is a(n)
environmental event that threatens or challenges us
. Physical and emotional responses to threatening and challenging events are referred to as
stress reactions
Walter Cannon perceived the stress response to be highly adaptive because it prepared the organism for
fight or flight
Hypertension rates are high among
residents in impoverished areas
The greatest number of deaths in North America today result from
heart disease
Who is the best example of a Type A personality?
Mara, an irritable, impatient teacher
. Who is the best example of a Type B personality?
Mauriucca, a relaxed, understanding social worker
. In their classic nine-year study, Friedman and Rosenman found that Type A men are especially susceptible to
heart attacks
. Studying initially healthy men over a 10-year period, researchers found that pessimistic adult men were more than twice
as likely as optimistic men to experience
coronary heart disease
Natural killer cells are part of the body's
immune system
By attacking the body's own tissues, an overly reactive immune system is most likely to cause
AIDS is a disorder of the
immune system
Using emotional, behavioral, or cognitive methods to alleviate stress is known as
Reducing stress directly by changing the way we interact with a stressor best illustrates
problem-focused coping
Primates at the top of the social pecking order are less likely to contract coldlike viral infections than those with lower
social status. This best illustrates the value of
general adaptation syndrome
Optimists are more likely than pessimists to experience
perceived control
Research participants who received nasal drops laden with a cold virus were least likely to catch a cold if they had
positive social ties
Aerobic exercise increases the availability of mood-boosting neurotransmitters such as
Electronically recording, amplifying, and displaying information regarding subtle physiological responses is called
Some paralyzed humans have learned to bring their blood pressure under conscious control by means of
spontaneous remission
A U.S. National Health Interview Survey found that those who attend religious services regularly were more likely than
nonattenders to experience
longer life span
Some studies suggest that stress is defused and the immune system is strengthened by
mirthful humor