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14 Cards in this Set

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Processes involved in retaining, retrieving and using information about stimuli, images, events and skills after the original information is no longer present

Short term - activity dependent

Long term - structural memory, changes the brain

Modal model of memory

Computer as model for human memory

Aquire, store and retrieve information

Don’t act in isolation = integrated

Limited space, resources and time

Control processes

Active processes that can be controlled by the person

Rehearsal -> maintain STM

Strategies used to make a stimulus more memorable, repetition, imagery

Strategies of attention

Sensory memory

Function: Registers most information that hits out visual attention

Duration: Short lived 1-2 seconds

Capacity: Holds a large amount of info

Short term memory

Function: includes both new information received from the sensory stores and information recalled from long term memory

Duration: 15-20 seconds (rehearse prevented), activity drops to 10% after 18 seconds

Capacity: 7 +- 2, millers law


Small units can be combined into larger meaningful units

0403 217 138 -> 3 chunks/items of Wm

Working memory

STM is apart of WM

Wm - limited capacity of information for complex tasks such as comprehension, learning and reasoning

How STM differs from WM

SMT is a single component, holds information

WM consists of multiple parts, process and manipulation of information

Baddeleys working memory model

Phonological loop - verbal auditory info (SMT)

Central executive - what elements of those memories are being manipulated/used, attention controller, suppress irrelevant stimulus

Visuospatial sketch pad - visual and spatial information (SMT)

If tasks are split across the visuospatual pad and phonological loop you can perform better as they have seperate capacity/duration limits

phonological loop effects

Similarity effect- Items that sound similar get mistaken

Word length effect - longer words more space it takes up, longer to rehearse

Articulatory suppression - prevents from rehearsing, reduces memory span

Wm and the brain

Prefrontal cortex -> processing visual and auditory input

There are individual differences, High capacity people are more efficient at ignoring distractions

Long term memory

Function: storing information to be retrieved

Duration: decades to permanent store

Lose 60% after 3 years without practice then stays

Capacity: practically unlimited


Events and facts, temporal lobe

Episode - personal events, hippocampus

Semantic - facts and basic knowledge ,

Semantic episode is enhanced if associated with episodic

Non declarative/ implicit memory

Skill memory, classical condition , habituation

False memory

Very vivid, able to be recalled in detail much later, change overtime, immaculate compared to initial memories

- source monitoring confusion, lack of clarity about the origins of the memory came from, your memory? My memory? A dream?