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32 Cards in this Set

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Which of the following conditions can be prevented by proper prenatal care?

A.Down syndrome

B.Fetal alcohol syndrome

C.Sickle-cell anemia

D.Multiple sclerosis

Option (B) is correct. The question tests knowledge of the basic characteristics and defining factors of disabling conditions. Fetal alcohol syndrome is a condition caused when a pregnant woman drinks alcohol, which passes through the placenta harms the fetus developmentally.

Jen is a toddler who loves to play with the family dog. When the dog leaves the room, Jen begins to cry until the dog returns to play with her. Such behavior is most likely to be associated with

A.symbolic function

B.intuitive thought

C.information processing

D.language development

Option (A) is correct. Symbolic function is when children can create mental images of objects and store them in their minds to use at a later time.

Since kindergarten, Simon has preferred being alone and frequently talks to himself. In first grade, he argued with his teachers and refused to do any assignments. In second grade, soon after his parents’ divorce, Simon started displaying aggressive behaviors such as kicking and pushing his peers. Simon’s behavior was recently identified as characteristics of EBD.Which of the following is the most likely explanation for Simon’s classification of EBD?

A.Simon’s social-emotional development is atypical of children his age.

B.Simon’s parents’ divorce triggered stress that led to his behavioral difficulties.

C.Simon’s inability to cope with social situations is becoming more severe.

D.Simon has not shown evidence of a learning disability.

Option (C) is correct. The student’s inappropriate behavior shows a long duration, and the pattern is intensifying.

Abby is a second-grade student with autism spectrum disorder and fine-motor difficulties. She has been learning self-help skills, including dressing, toileting, and feeding herself, with help from an occupational therapist. Which of the following accommodations would be most beneficial to Abby when she is attempting to self-feed?

A.A visual schedule depicting each step of the process

B.An adapted spoon and universal cuff attached to her wrist

C.A walker to allow Abby to walk through the lunch line independently

D.Headphones to block out noise from the cafeteria to allow concentration

B.An adapted spoon and universal cuff attached to her wrist

Which of the following organizations serves youths with intellectual disabilities, children who are gifted and talented, and children who are abused or neglected?

A.Council for Exceptional Children (CEC)

B.American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD)

C.National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities (NICHCY)

D.Special Olympics

Option (A) is correct. The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) serves youth and children with disabilities, individuals who are gifted and talented, and children who are abused or neglected.

Cognitive behavior management

A method of training students to recognize and replace destructive thought patterns with constructive thought patterns

Discrete trial analysis

A method of teaching new skills through small tasks in a structured, repetitive manner

Functional behavioral assessment

A problem-solving process for addressing a student’s problem behavior using a variety of techniques and strategies

Manifestation determination

A process that determines whether a problem behavior is attributable to a student's disability

In a preschool classroom, Christopher is building a castle in the block area while sitting near another student, Bethany. Suddenly, Bethany grabs a block from the middle of Christopher's castle, causing it to fall down.To best prevent a similar event from occurring in the future, Bethany’s teacher should help Bethany learn which of the following social skills?

A.Offering an apology


C.Problem solving

D.Controlling anger

Option (C) is correct. The question tests candidates’ knowledge of how to manage student behavior. Problem solving is the most appropriate skills for Bethany to learn because it will help her find better alternatives to similar actions in the future.

Which of the following groups is most responsible for determining educational principles, developing learning experiences, and implementing effective instructional strategies?

A.Individualized Education Program team

B.Response to Intervention committee

C.Curriculum development committee

D.Parent-Teacher Association

Option (C) is correct. The steps identified refer to the curriculum development process.

Under Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, schools are required to

A.have special academic standards for Title I public elementary school students

B.test students in English and mathematics in fourth grade and then again in high school

C.report student achievement by average school performance and the performance of cultural subgroups

D.ensure that all children have the opportunity to obtain a high quality education and reach proficiency on state assessments

Option (D) is correct. Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 ensures that students have the opportunity to high quality instruction and reach proficiency on state assessments

Which of the following statements are true examples of differentiated instruction for preschool students?For each description, indicate whether it is or is not characteristic of differentiated instruction for preschool students.Description Yes No

1. Flexible grouping of students

2. Teach the lesson to each student individually 3. Use centers for independent practice

Flexible grouping of students-YES

Teach the lesson to each student individually-NO

Use centers for independent practice-YES

According to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), which of the following is one of the major disability categories?

A.Hearing impairment

B.Neurological impairment

C.Down syndrome

D.Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Option (A) is correct. The question tests knowledge of the basic characteristics and defining factors of the major disability categories under IDEA. IDEA lists thirteen different categories, including hearing impairment.

A functional behavioral assessment (FBA) is conducted on a second-grade student with EBD who displays disruptive behavior with occasional verbal outbursts. Which of the following interventions is most appropriate for the student?

A.Sending the student to the principal’s office each time the behavior occurs

B.Creating a positive behavior plan in which the student earns a reward for every ten minutes of appropriate behavior

C.Meeting with the Individualized Education Program (IEP) team to suggest an out-of-district placement for the student

D.Collecting data on the frequency and duration of the behavior to discuss with the student’s parents

Option (B) is correct. A reward-based behavior plan is most appropriate to motivate the student to show appropriate behavior.

Which of the following best identifies ongoing assessments used to adjust instruction immediately based on student need?





Option (B) is correct. Formative assessments are appropriate to measure ongoing progress as learning takes place.

Which of the following types of prompts involves some contact and is most appropriate when a student has limited vision and does not mind being touched?

A.A model prompt

B.A partial physical prompt

C.A verbal or signed prompt

D.A full physical prompt

Option (B) is correct. A partial physical prompt involves brief touching and is used to help a student initiate a response or a sequence of responses.

Students in Mr. Steeger’s first-grade class are often asked to participate in classroom decisions. They recently voted on where in the classroom to place a new plant and which book to read during a read-aloud. Which of the following is the most likely benefit to students of this type of classroom?

A.Increased self-esteem

B.Increased on-task behavior

C.Improved peer relationships

D.Greater sense of responsibility

Option (A) is correct. The question tests knowledge of planning and organizing the learning environment. This answer is correct because students need to participate in the decision-making process from an early stage to build their self-esteem. Creating opportunities for students to make decisions gives them more control and a sense that the classroom belongs to them.

Glasser’s lead teacher concept

lead teaching involves letting students make choices about their own learning.

Chung, a 7-year-old student with a learning disability, is learning to spell words with consonant blends. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step for the teacher to use to help Chung develop his reading skills?

A.Encouraging Chung to read a decodable textB.Introducing Chung to short vowel sounds in three-letter words

C.Teaching Chung how to do a picture walk in a decodable text

D.Encouraging Chung to sound out each letter of the alphabet

Option (A) is correct. The question tests the knowledge of appropriate instructional strategies in teaching phonics. This answer is correct because systematic phonics instruction is necessary to help Chung not only decode a word accurately but also read and use the word in a context to develop fluency in reading.

Which of the following best describes why a functional curriculum works well with students who have severe intellectual disabilities?

A.It engages students by using novelty and variety to teach skills in familiar settings.

B.It teaches life skills in an appropriate sequence through the use of task analysis.

C.It educates students to become self-supporting members of their local communities.

D.It stresses the value and importance of the development of basic academic skills.

Option (B) is correct. Learning a functional curriculum means that the student learns life skills to reach their potential as active participants in home, school, and community environments. Task analyses ensure they learn the correct way to do things in the correct order.

Michael, Alexis, and James are first-grade students with learning disabilities in an inclusion classroom learning to add numbers up to twenty. They were able to follow along actively when solving problems as a whole class using manipulatives but not when using number lines.Which of the following best demonstrates adjusting instruction based on individual need?

A.The teacher provides feedback that uses the students’ strengths to build on their weaknesses.

B.The teacher works with the students in ability-based groups.

C.The teacher asks questions to determine the students’ levels of understanding.

D.The teacher assigns homework that gives the students additional practice at home.

Option (B) is correct. Working with students in ability-based groups shows that the instruction was changed to meet the needs of the students in question.

What is the main purpose of mediation according to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) ?

A.To encourage parents to help write and approve measurable goals for their child’s Individualized Education Program (IEP)

B.To ensure that parents can bring an attorney to meetings with school district representatives

C.To provide an opportunity for parents and a school district to meet voluntarily to resolve a conflict

D.To outline the process for taking a school district to court when the parents disagree with their child’s placement

Option (C) is correct. The question tests knowledge of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). According to IDEA, the purpose of mediation is to have both parties in a dispute, the school and the family, express their positions, listen and respond to each other, and resolve their conflict.

Rafael has attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). One of his testing accommodations is to test in a separate room with the special education teacher. Which of the following is a reason for this accommodation?

A.The other students will not hear the test being read aloud to Rafael.

B.Rafael can read the test aloud to himself without distracting other students.

C.The special education teacher can give Rafael cues about the answers.

D.Rafael will be able to concentrate better without distractions.

Option (D) is correct. The question tests understanding of testing accommodations. A separate testing environment will help students who have difficulty focusing, such as students with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Since kindergarten, Simon has preferred being alone and frequently talks to himself. In first grade, he argued with his teachers and refused to do any assignments. In second grade, soon after his parents’ divorce, Simon started displaying aggressive behaviors such as kicking and pushing his peers. Simon’s behavior was recently identified as characteristics of EBD.Which of the following is the most likely explanation for Simon’s classification of EBD?

A.Simon’s social-emotional development is atypical of children his age.

B.Simon’s parents’ divorce triggered stress that led to his behavioral difficulties.

C.Simon’s inability to cope with social situations is becoming more severe.

D.Simon has not shown evidence of a learning disability.

Option (C) is correct. The student’s inappropriate behavior shows a long duration, and the pattern is intensifying.

Carol is a 4-year-old girl who had a mild traumatic brain injury right after birth. Carol did not begin speaking until after her third birthday. She has difficulty understanding what others say and communicating her needs. Her fine and gross motor skills are age appropriate, as are her height and weight. Her favorite game is playing hide-and-seek, which she plays with her brothers.Which of the following most accurately describes the symptoms listed above?




D.Autism spectrum disorder

Option (B) is correct. Aphasia affects a person’s ability to speak and understand speech most likely after a traumatic brain injury, stroke, dementia, illness and other progressive neurological disorders.

Jerry is a third-grade student diagnosed with a moderate intellectual disability. His teacher has noticed significant problems with impulse control, attention, transitioning, planning, organizing, and initiating tasks.Difficulties in these areas are most likely indicative of a deficit in

A.visual perception processing

B.information processing

C.adaptive functioning

D.executive functioning

Option (D) is correct. Executive functioning includes impulse control, attention, transitioning, planning, organizing, and initiating tasks.

Which of the following would be most indicative of a receptive language disorder?

A.A student uses the same words and phrases over and over again in different situations.

B.A student hesitates before talking and rarely initiates conversation.

C.A student looks at other students to see what they are doing when directions are given.

D.A student cannot hear the teacher unless the teacher raises his or her voice.

Option (C) is correct. The question tests knowledge of speech and language disorders. This answer is correct because a student who is looking for visual cuing to do a task is having difficulty processing spoken (receptive) language.

Which of the following is most often considered atypical behavior in a 4-year-old?

A.Engaging in whimsical play with toys

B.Acting out or getting angry when upset

C.Sitting alone, rocking, and arm flappingD.Thumb sucking and humming when tired

Option (C) is correct. This question tests knowledge of atypical behavior. This answer is correct because 4-year-old children typically will play with toys, throw tantrums when upset, and suck their thumb or hum when tired, however 4-year-old children do not typically exhibit behaviors such as arm flapping, rocking, and sitting away from others.

A severe visual impairment is most likely to affect a child’s development in which of the following ways?

A.Heightened sensitivity to smells

B.Delayed gross motor skills

C.Improper phonetic pronunciation

D.Poor sleeping habits

Option (B) is correct. The question tests understanding of human development and behavior. A visual impairment affects the way an individual perceives and responds to the world, often causing a delay in motor skills.

Adapting existing vocal or gestural abilities and static symbols or icons and using technological devices for speech and language are all examples of

A.assistive technology


C.synthesized speech

D.augmentative communication

Option (D) is correct. The question tests knowledge of different methods and materials necessary for communication. Augmentative communication is an approach that encompasses many different methods to build or augment communication.

In a full-inclusion model, services to students with disabilities are available in

A.general education classrooms

B.resource rooms

C.self-contained classrooms

D.charter schools

The Option (A) is correct. The question tests knowledge of different classroom models. In a full-inclusion model, the special education teacher works with the general education teacher in the general education classroom.