2. How have these characteristics changed throughout elementary school? The authors of the case study says that Paul had difficulties both in the classroom and outside the classroom in first and second grade. Paul often would argue with both adults and peers. Paul would even take his behavior a step further and injury his peers. In third grade Paul was identified with serious behavior disorder and he was accommodated to a self-contained special education classroom, …show more content…
Introduction to Special Education Making a Difference Seventh Edition states, “In the PBS model, the primary prevention program involves establishing for all key areas. Expectations are clear, concise, and simple (e.g., follow directions, be responsible, be safe, be prepared), with detailed illustrations of how these behaviors look in different settings. Then, students are given opportunities to practice and receive reinforcement for meeting these expectations” (Lewis & Sugai, 1999; Sugai & Horner, 2002). This could help Paul be award of his behavior and how he can improve his serious behavior disorder. The disadvantage is if this program does not help Paul, he might be considered to take part in the Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA). Similar to PBS, this program primary focus is the antecedent conditions of the behavior and the consequences of the behavior. In other words, this approach to create a positive reinforcement and avoid negative reinforcements. The key is to be able to identify the attention, activities, and the sensory of the student’s behavior. This type of approach is a trial-error, which if one method does not work, conductors of the program can try to create another solution.
5. What types of support might be available to Paul’s mother and family? Paul’s mother and his family can be involved in school events such as: volunteering for school fundraisers, Paul’s classroom,